Posts tagged jessica zimmerman family
The Family I Choose to Have

A while back I was on the beach in Puerto Vallarta with my friend Lindsey Meyer. We've been friends since we were eight years old. We talked nonstop for four days. We laughed and drank margaritas and I can't remember the last time I had that much fun with a friend. We talked a lot about sisterhood. My sister died when I was young. I adored my sister! Since the day she died, I've lived each day of my life feeling that void and simply knowing it can never be filled. It's just something I have to learn to live with, continually.

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My People

Today was one of those weird days where everything that I thought would take me an hour to do ended up taking twice as long. I pride myself on being efficient so when I'm not, I get frustrated. I had a few deadlines to meet and I missed the boys' swim lesson to get my work done. Anytime I have to miss one of their activities I feel a like I've failed. Not that I've failed them, they are great. They don't care if I miss one practice here and there. I feel like I've failed because the whole reason I started down the path of business ownership was so I wouldn't miss any of those moments. But then two things happened:

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Why I Have Always Wanted to Work for Myself

Before Brian and I had kids, we took a month off and backpacked Europe. I remember someone telling us, "Enjoy this while you can because once you have kids there will be no more of this."

I've never been particularly good at listening to people like this, people who live their lives with such limitations.

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I'm Tired. Like, Really Tired

Confession time: I'm tired. Like, really tired.

I normally quit working at 3pm and go pick up my kids from school and don't look at work again until the following day. Today, I had back to back appointments all day and left work at 3pm, picked up my kids, but had to bring work home with me. It is incredibly rare that I work at home with my kids around, but this is one of those rare weeks where there are major deadlines and extra hours are necessary.

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Cherishing the Fast-Moving Moments

Had I known, I'm not sure I would have agreed to do it.

See the little girl in this photo. She turned four a few weeks ago. We have never cut her hair. It has grown at it's own sweet, slow pace and I've honestly wished it would stay short forever. As silly as it may sound, there is something about her hair being short that makes me feel like she's still a baby.

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Blue Bouquet Guest Blog: How I Stay Calm Under Wedding Day Pressure

I am so pleased that the blog I previously wrote titled “How I Stay Calm Under Wedding Day Pressure” hit home with so many. And I am honored that Blue Bouquet wanted to feature this on her own blog.

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Team Flower Podcast

In this Team Flower Podcast, I talk about where I started my business and how I got to where I am today. How I process set-up and delivery, how much time I allot for projects, how I have learned from mistrials from past weddings, what tools I use for stressful situations, what I discuss with clients, and so many more important topics are discussed!

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Dallas, Texas

When our Fourth of July plans fell through, I did a quick Google search for the best fireworks show in the USA. Less than 24 hours later, we were in Dallas, Texas.

It was the perfect summer road trip!

I hope you enjoy watching this video and traveling along with us to Dallas. 

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Exuma, Bahamas

We successfully completed our busiest wedding season yet and after all that hard work, I decided a celebration was in order! With only a about ten days notice, I booked a trip to Exuma, Bahamas for our family of five and we fell in love with the island. 

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Our summer escape to Camp Wandawega

Our kids currently go to preschool year-round. Every July they are off for one week and every July we go somewhere fun. The weather in Arkansas is brutally hot during this time, so traveling someplace a little less hot is always a big incentive, too. This past year, we traveled to Wisconsin and stayed at a lovely little place called Camp Wandawega.

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How I get more joy and less stress out of my kids’ birthday parties

I’ve only been doing kid birthday parties for four years, but it only took me two years to figure this thing out. Here’s what I do to make sure I actually get to be present during the parties – you know, like actually talk to the people there, watch my kids as they blow out their candles with my actual eyes and not through the viewfinder on my phone – and have zero clean up when the party's over.

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