Posts tagged the business behind the blooms
Secrets to Growing from Idea to Six Figures in a Year with Scout Sobel

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 99! I’m welcoming back Scout Sobel, the founder of Scout’s Agency, the host of SCOUT podcast, and co-host of the Okay, Sis podcast. Scout’s Agency focuses on Podcast PR and 90% of her clients are women. Scout has a passion for sharing about her entrepreneurship story and journey with mental illness.

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How to Actually Take Action When Your Gut Tells You to Move On with Kelsey Murphy

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 96! Guess who’s back? It’s Kelsey Murphy! Kelsey is a present mom, a boundaried businesswoman, and an incredible career and life coach to women everywhere. If you listened to episode 64, you know that Kelsey and I are total soul sisters and I could not be more excited to share MORE of Kelsey and her wisdom with you today. I somehow love this episode even more than the last one if that’s possible.

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Meet our 2018 BBB Scholarship Winners

There was an overwhelming number of applicants.  So many that 42 states and 15 countries were represented.

It really was such a tough decision with so many wonderful, inspiring, heart-warming applications.  As I read through each submission, there were common themes throughout of what you were desiring to get out of the course:

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Dallas, Texas

When our Fourth of July plans fell through, I did a quick Google search for the best fireworks show in the USA. Less than 24 hours later, we were in Dallas, Texas.

It was the perfect summer road trip!

I hope you enjoy watching this video and traveling along with us to Dallas. 

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Why saying no leads to success

I was working out with my trainer yesterday (I'm trying to take better care of myself and get some energy to keep up with my three kids and they say after a while I'll start to enjoy it, still waiting on that!) and she said to me, "My fiance isn't loving his job and he asked me how I was able to land my dream job and I told him I'm one of the lucky ones."

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The #1 change I made that led to profit

I hear it all the time:  “No one will run my business like I do.”

In fact, I had that same exact fear a few years ago. I was wearing way too many hats in my business. I thought wearing all the hats meant I was in total control of everything. Turns out, it was the complete opposite. Because I was trying to do everything myself, I was actually destroying my business. My mindset was all wrong. When I really think back on this time, it wasn’t that I was going to lose control, it’s that I was fearful of releasing some control.

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Quarterly Reviews | How to use them to your advantage

I had a conversation with one of my mentoring clients that really stuck with me. She has so many great ideas. Her mind is racing in 17 different directions. She’s wondering what her next step should be. Does this sound familiar? I used to be the exact same way! 

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Success is a Mindset

I’m often asked questions like, “How do you get so much done in a day?” or “How did you become successful?” 

Truth be told, I inherited a couple of good traits that might be working well together. My maternal grandfather was a dreamer. He was one of those guys who dreamed up crazy big dreams, but never saw them through. He was a writer, a storyteller, and had an incredible imagination. My paternal grandfather was a determined, hardworking man. He was stubborn in the best way possible. He would never let anything or anyone get in his way.

My Dad said to me once, “You’re a dreamer like your Granddaddy and determined like your Pappy, one way or another you’ll be successful.”

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Don’t wish for what you’re not prepared for.

Four years ago, I attended my floral idol’s workshop. I remember sitting in the front row soaking in every single word she said, writing down notes like a crazy woman, asking questions like my life depended on it, and seeing images of her beautiful work as they displayed on the screen in front of me.

I remember thinking, “I wish I could be like her. I wish I could do events like she does. I wish could have big budget clients like she has.”

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