Posts tagged business tips
Make Your Work Hours Count!

The years 2011 - 2014 are a bit of a blur. I don't remember everything, but I remember the way I felt after coming home from work each day. I remember crawling in bed night after night thinking to myself, "I just worked my tail off, but did I actually accomplish anything? I worked hard, really hard for 12 hours today, but did I even make any money? Why am I working so hard and have nothing to show for it?" During those years, I could have won an academy award for my act. "How's business?" they would ask ...

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Tough Love

I need to speak to those of you who are working from home. Those of you who have little ones running around while you are simultaneously trying to build your own business. Those of you who are preparing lunch for your kids while you answer client calls.

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Why I Quit

Every single day I quit the same thing - I quit my work.

Have you ever been home with your family and that little “ding” sound goes off notifying you of a new email? You immediately check it and feel the urgency to respond right away. While you are simply trying to get your thoughts from your head through your fingertips and onto the screen so you can press send, and your child walks over to you and says, “Mommy, look at…” only to be abruptly cut off by you with a response that resembles something like, “Honey, I need you to give mommy just a second - I’m just trying to finish this one thing then I can listen to you.”

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How I Schedule My Posts with Planoly and Pinterest

If you're using Planoly to schedule instagram posts like we are, then listen up!

You can now use Planoly to schedule content on my FAVORITE platform, Pinterest! I use Pinterest every single day to market my business and connect with ideal brides.

If you're already using Planoly, here are some of the great things you can do with Planoly + Pinterest.
I went straight to the source-- my Pinterest manager-- to find these hot tips.

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Business Spotlight Series [4 of 4]

It’s our last business spotlight, and I can’t wait to share Meghan’s story with you! If you’ve missed any of my previous business spotlights, make sure to check out the first blog post in this series! 

Now, let’s meet Meghan!

Meghan loved her job as a corporate accountant. When she got pregnant with her daughter, however, she decided she wanted to stay home with her while she was little. Meghan knew she needed something besides momming to work on while she stayed home, and decided to invest in herself. 

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Stop Trading Time for Money: Instagram Live

Today I drove four hours to take a three hour lunch with a friend. I spend my whole work day doing exactly what I wanted (aka not really working.

I still made it home in time to pick up my kiddos from school AND my business bank account had more money in it when I got home than when I left.

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How to Get Started With Your Floral Business

First ask yourself:

Do you really want a floral business? It’s okay to have a hobby and for it to be simply a hobby. My greatest passion is travel, but I wouldn’t enjoy it as much if every time I traveled, I also had to write a feature about it.

I think it’ really important to know that owning your own floral business doesn’t mean you are doing flowers all day. There is a reason only 5% of small businesses succeed. The business-side of it takes up the majority of your day.

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8 Tips to Take Control of Your Email Inbox

1. Don’t let other people dictate your work day.

I used to think checking my email first thing meant I was working hard. It meant I was being productive! I think most of us think this way. We have clients or coworkers or bosses who need to hear from us. Sound familiar?

You know the phrase, Ignorance is bliss - well it’s especially true when it comes to email! When I became ignorant to what was going on in my inbox - guess what happened? I actually had time to focus on my own to do list which led to productivity which led to profitability. I’m not denying the fact that, yes, it is important to check my email.

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