Posts tagged travel
My Coffee Table Book Obsession

Do you ever wonder how long interior design magazines have been around? I do. I haven’t yet found the answer to that question, but I do know with nearly 100% certainty that for as long as interior design magazines have been around, they’ve shown off beautiful coffee table books. I’m obsessed with coffee table books.

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Exuma, Bahamas

We successfully completed our busiest wedding season yet and after all that hard work, I decided a celebration was in order! With only a about ten days notice, I booked a trip to Exuma, Bahamas for our family of five and we fell in love with the island. 

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I put on the Swimsuit

I am a travel junkie at heart. I am one of those people who would totally take my kids out of school for a year and travel the world. Maybe one day I will! A lot of our traveling the past couple of years, especially with three little ones, has felt more like trips than vacations. Seaside, Florida is that one place where we go every year that actually feels like a vacation. We rent a beach house for a week and we have zero problem unplugging. We go about the day with no real schedule. We go for bike rides, swim in the pool, and play by the beach. Everything is in walking distance. We eat good food and each day the kids pick a treat, either a snow cone, ice cream, or something from the local candy shop.

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Change of plans!

As most of you know by now, November is my annual planning month. I usually dedicate the entire month to planning ahead. However, I received a call I never expected to receive from someone I deeply admire in this industry, Holly Chapple. She invited my husband and me to her farm (Hope Flower Farm) and we immediately made babysitting arrangements for the kids and jumped on the next plane to Virginia. If you follow Holly on Instagram, then you totally know what to expect when meeting her ...

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My #1 Secret to Taking Last Minute Getaways with My Family of Five

After several newsletters about important topics like maximizing your workday, getting a grip on email stress, and making more time for your family, I thought it was time to write about something a little more fun, TRAVEL! A little background about me and travel - it is my favorite thing in the world! It’s why I work. I’m constantly planning the next adventure and no day is more exciting than when my new issue of Travel and Leisure arrives in my mailbox. For me, travel has been far greater an education than ...

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