Posts tagged raising children
How to Raise Humans, Not Just Parent Children

We're looking back at the Zimmerman Podcast episode all about... PARENTING! I'm sharing my 10 best tips for how to parent children like the complex human beings they are, not just like tiny children! Yupp. Now, it's always been my education philosophy that I'm not going to tell you WHAT TO DO, I'm just going to tell you what's worked for me. That's what I do for business and marketing, and that's what I do when it comes to parenting. This is NOT a how-to guide, it's a 'this is what I do' story!

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How to Raise Humans, Not Just Parent Children

On today's podcast, we're officially going there...

PARENTING! I'm sharing my 10 best tips for how to parent children like the complex human beings they are, not just like tiny children!

Yupp. Now, it's always been my education philosophy that I'm not going to tell you WHAT TO DO, I'm just going to tell you what's worked for me. That's what I do for business and marketing, and that's what I do when it comes to parenting. This is NOT a how-to guide, it's a 'this is what I do' story!

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My People

Today was one of those weird days where everything that I thought would take me an hour to do ended up taking twice as long. I pride myself on being efficient so when I'm not, I get frustrated. I had a few deadlines to meet and I missed the boys' swim lesson to get my work done. Anytime I have to miss one of their activities I feel a like I've failed. Not that I've failed them, they are great. They don't care if I miss one practice here and there. I feel like I've failed because the whole reason I started down the path of business ownership was so I wouldn't miss any of those moments. But then two things happened:

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How I get more joy and less stress out of my kids’ birthday parties

I’ve only been doing kid birthday parties for four years, but it only took me two years to figure this thing out. Here’s what I do to make sure I actually get to be present during the parties – you know, like actually talk to the people there, watch my kids as they blow out their candles with my actual eyes and not through the viewfinder on my phone – and have zero clean up when the party's over.

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The most important thing I do for my kids every day

Brian and I were married eight years before we had kids. During those years I would go through Ina Garten’s cookbooks, page by page, and cook a new recipe each night for dinner. I love to cook. There is something about taking ingredients and making them into a delicious meal that just makes me happy. Brian and I always ate our dinner at the table together. This is where we would really talk about our day or dream about our next vacation. Fast forward to today and life's a little more full! Driving three ...

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Making the Most of 18 Summers

This past weekend, we went bowling with some friends. One of them said to me, “you know my daughter’s four and we only have 14 summers left with her and it really hit me the other day that we need to make time to create some memories. We need to plan a little vacation. I mean, 14, that’s not many.” I couldn’t agree more! Brian says out loud almost every week “the days are long, but the years are short” mainly to remind us that even though we are exhausted and ready to put the kids to bed and ...

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How to become someone your daughter trusts

Last year, I was in a meeting with a client; she and her mother had a wonderful relationship with one another. They listened to each other. They respected one another. I could tell they had great admiration for each other as well. I’ve seen lots of different mother daughter dynamics through my years of working in the wedding industry, but this one was different. While the daughter completely respected her mom they also genuinely enjoyed being around each other. They were friends too. In one of our last ...

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