Posts tagged entrepreneur mom
Business Spotlight Series [2 of 4]

I can’t wait to share another business spotlight with you this week. Let’s take a peek into the behind the scenes of Whitney’s business...

Whitney is a mother of three young kids. She loves staying home with her kids, and adding to her family income with some wedding work. She got her start doing flowers and planning for weddings, baby showers, and parties for her family and friends. Now, she’s trying to transition from a side hobby to a real business that makes real money. And that means working with people who aren’t just looking for a good deal (aka… not family or friends). 

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I'm Tired. Like, Really Tired

Confession time: I'm tired. Like, really tired.

I normally quit working at 3pm and go pick up my kids from school and don't look at work again until the following day. Today, I had back to back appointments all day and left work at 3pm, picked up my kids, but had to bring work home with me. It is incredibly rare that I work at home with my kids around, but this is one of those rare weeks where there are major deadlines and extra hours are necessary.

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