My People

Today was one of those weird days where everything that I thought would take me an hour to do ended up taking twice as long. I pride myself on being efficient so when I'm not, I get frustrated. I had a few deadlines to meet and I missed the boys' swim lesson to get my work done. Anytime I have to miss one of their activities I feel a like I've failed. Not that I've failed them, they are great. They don't care if I miss one practice here and there. I feel like I've failed because the whole reason I started down the path of business ownership was so I wouldn't miss any of those moments. But then two things happened:

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6 Ways I Make my Work Day Count


My goal is to be at the studio at 8am. I don’t put anything on my calendar until 9am because I know I need a full hour to get settled in and prep for my day. KNOW THYSELF. If I schedule a meeting at 8:30am, I’ll feel rushed and frantic and it won’t go well. KNOW THYSELF!

My 9am meeting time slots are for people on my team: Kellie (admin!), book keeping, Danae (second designer), etc. These people know me. They know my heart and my intentions. They also understand if I text them and say something like, “I’m running 15 minutes behind! Zeke figured out how to open his sippy cup and poured milk all over the car.”

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The Road Differently Traveled: Losing My Sister, Hating College, and Standing Out to Succeed

The Vroom Vroom Veer Podcast is all about taking the road differently traveled. If this isn’t the podcast for me, I don’t know what is.

Not only do I tend to take a different road than most of my business peers, but each time I think I know my own road, the path in front of me shifts!

Want to hear more? Click play below to hear more about…

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Learning From the Past to Better my Business

It really is amazing what can be accomplished with a team of people. The past two weeks have been full of meetings. I'm working with six different people from all over on one main project. As the leader, I get the blessing and curse of making the final decision, but I'm glad the people I work with are passionate, bring their own ideas to the table, and believe so strongly in their vision.

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Juicy, Colorful Sunstone Winery Wedding Featured on Style Me Pretty!

This juicy, colorful Sunstone Winery Wedding is featured in Style Me Pretty!

What are they saying about this wedding??

“This gorgeous shoot from Heather Payne Photography at Sunstone Winery (aka the dreamiest venue ever) proves exactly why it's so important to incorporate texture into your wedding day. From the elegant pink and orange color scheme to the ceremony's floral-adorned mantle by Jessica Zimmerman to the DRESS - there's texture at every turn.”

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Pinterest: From Skeptic to Believer

Curious to hear how I went from a proud Pinterest hater to Pinterest’s biggest fan?

I’ll tell you a secret: it has a little something to do with undeniable results.

If you want to learn more about my journey with Pinterest and how you could be using the platform to book clients, sell products, and get money in the bank, watch the video below!


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Embracing the Pause: My June Reflection

Have you ever been really, really sick? And in those dark moments when you’ve got your head in a bucket, or a pile of tissues the size of Mt. Everest beside you, or you’re counting the number of days you’ve been taking cough medicine just to make sure you haven’t surpassed the legal limit, you think to yourself…

“I will never take another healthy day for granted. I will never stop rejoicing when I wake up and don’t need to vomit, or sneeze, or cough, or run to the bathroom. Every day is a gift! If I ever feel normal again, I won’t waste another second!”

Inevitably, after a few weeks of healthy days, we totally forget that feeling.

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