Posts tagged productivity at work
Jessica on Business Insider

Lauren Conrad, Emily Schuman, and Me. What do the three of us have in common? Well, for one, we were all featured in the same recent article in Business Insider, sharing our favorite tips for building successful businesses and leading productive teams. If you want to read 8 killer tips for building a strong business— from eight women who are really crushing it— you’ve got to check out the article! You’ll also find out my ultimate top productivity tip inside!

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The Surprising Enemy of Productivity

Today we’re looking back at Zimmerman Podcast Episode 005 where we’re talking everything email! I can’t think of anything less sexy to talk, but hear me out: Over the years, I’ve both seen and experienced how much an unruly email inbox can derail an entire day. I truly believe that productivity is won and lost in your inbox. Because how can you get anything done when you’re constantly solving other peoples’ problems?

Put your email on “do not disturb,” because I’m telling you exactly how to keep email from derailing your business.

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Jessica on Business Insider

Lauren Conrad, Emily Schuman, and Me. What do the three of us have in common? Well, for one, we were all featured in the same recent article in Business Insider, sharing our favorite tips for building successful businesses and leading productive teams. If you want to read 8 killer tips for building a strong business— from eight women who are really crushing it— you’ve got to check out the article! You’ll also find out my ultimate top productivity tip inside!

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The Finish Strong Challenge

Those awkward days between Christmas and starting our new year often leave us thinking… what now?

With my Finish Strong Challenge, we’re going to turn your what now attitude into a here’s how guide for living a life filled with purpose and joy in the new year.

If you’re feeling the New Year’s blues, stuck somewhere between “How is that year already over?!” and “I can’t believe that’s all I got done,” then this challenge is for you!

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The Surprising Enemy of Productivity

On today’s episode we’re talking everything email! I can’t think of anything less sexy to talk, but hear me out:

Over the years, I’ve both seen and experienced how much an unruly email inbox can derail an entire day. I truly believe that productivity is won and lost in your inbox.

Because how can you get anything done when you’re constantly solving other peoples’ problems?

Put your email on “do not disturb,” because I’m telling you exactly how to keep email from derailing your business.

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6 Ways I Make my Work Day Count


My goal is to be at the studio at 8am. I don’t put anything on my calendar until 9am because I know I need a full hour to get settled in and prep for my day. KNOW THYSELF. If I schedule a meeting at 8:30am, I’ll feel rushed and frantic and it won’t go well. KNOW THYSELF!

My 9am meeting time slots are for people on my team: Kellie (admin!), book keeping, Danae (second designer), etc. These people know me. They know my heart and my intentions. They also understand if I text them and say something like, “I’m running 15 minutes behind! Zeke figured out how to open his sippy cup and poured milk all over the car.”

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