The Loan That Changed my Business


I still remember the day— it was only 3.5 years ago!— that I walked into the bank, sat down in front of a loan officer, and, filled with embarrassment, handed him my financial paperwork. I knew I was meant to do this business. I knew I COULD do this business.

The only problem— I was drowning from the everyday responsibilities. If only I could buy myself a little time to step away and to educate myself with all the resources possible to make my business succeed.

I sat there in front of the loan officer, trying to hold back tears as I explained my passion for this business. I remember it so vividly. He put the paperwork down on his desk and asked, "How much do you need?"

I said, "How much can you give me?"

He explained how he was authorized to give $100K loan without having to get approval from anyone else. He gave me the loan that day, and he said that he wasn't sure why, but he believed me when I said I would make this happen.

I am eternally grateful to this man. I recently told him that he will be our loan guy for life because he believed in me even though all the evidence proved he shouldn't.

I took that $100K, and I did exactly what I said I'd do. I spent the next year soaking in all the education I could from as many resources as I could. And today, I run a seven figure business.

There is nothing special about my story, except maybe the fact that I'm willing to share with you the darkest moments of it. I hear from people all the time with similar stories of believing they can do this work, but they just need some help in getting the education.

I've created a way for you to get all the education you need on how to succeed at your wedding business through my course, The Business Behind Behind the Blooms. Want to learn more? Click here.

Image by Heather Payne Photography