Posts tagged small business
Embracing the Pause: My June Reflection

Have you ever been really, really sick? And in those dark moments when you’ve got your head in a bucket, or a pile of tissues the size of Mt. Everest beside you, or you’re counting the number of days you’ve been taking cough medicine just to make sure you haven’t surpassed the legal limit, you think to yourself…

“I will never take another healthy day for granted. I will never stop rejoicing when I wake up and don’t need to vomit, or sneeze, or cough, or run to the bathroom. Every day is a gift! If I ever feel normal again, I won’t waste another second!”

Inevitably, after a few weeks of healthy days, we totally forget that feeling.

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Your Sensitivity is Not a Sign of Weakness

I remember around this time last year, having dinner with a friend and somehow the topic of sensitivity came up and I said, "I'm sensitive."

Her response was, "That's really good that you recognize that and are able to admit that. Now you can work on it."

Her words were meant to be encouraging and I know they came from a place of love. The truth is I'm grateful that I feel things so deeply. I believe that feeling deeply allows for great inward focus, which has helped tremendously in growing my business. I also think it allows me to be more aware of what others are experiencing, which comes in super handy when planning a wedding. The truth is I don't view it as something I need to work on, but rather a strength.

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Marriage is hard

Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. We dated five years before we married. We've officially been with one another half our lives. Warning: This is not going to be one of those sweet and sappy anniversary posts.

To be honest, this past year has been the hardest year of marriage we've had. In almost every way, our roles switched. Something neither of us asked for or were prepared for. We struggled to navigate our new normal.

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Meet our 2018 BBB Scholarship Winners

There was an overwhelming number of applicants.  So many that 42 states and 15 countries were represented.

It really was such a tough decision with so many wonderful, inspiring, heart-warming applications.  As I read through each submission, there were common themes throughout of what you were desiring to get out of the course:

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Why saying no leads to success

I was working out with my trainer yesterday (I'm trying to take better care of myself and get some energy to keep up with my three kids and they say after a while I'll start to enjoy it, still waiting on that!) and she said to me, "My fiance isn't loving his job and he asked me how I was able to land my dream job and I told him I'm one of the lucky ones."

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The #1 change I made that led to profit

I hear it all the time:  “No one will run my business like I do.”

In fact, I had that same exact fear a few years ago. I was wearing way too many hats in my business. I thought wearing all the hats meant I was in total control of everything. Turns out, it was the complete opposite. Because I was trying to do everything myself, I was actually destroying my business. My mindset was all wrong. When I really think back on this time, it wasn’t that I was going to lose control, it’s that I was fearful of releasing some control.

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