Posts tagged floral education
Business Spotlight Series [4 of 4]

It’s our last business spotlight, and I can’t wait to share Meghan’s story with you! If you’ve missed any of my previous business spotlights, make sure to check out the first blog post in this series! 

Now, let’s meet Meghan!

Meghan loved her job as a corporate accountant. When she got pregnant with her daughter, however, she decided she wanted to stay home with her while she was little. Meghan knew she needed something besides momming to work on while she stayed home, and decided to invest in herself. 

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Business Spotlight Series [3 of 4]

By now you know what’s coming! Another spotlight story from another struggling business owner. In Betty and Mark’s story, #thestruggleisreal. Let’s take a look…

Betty and Mark have been married for thirty-two years, and are finally living their dreams. Betty spent years as a mom and homemaker while Mark worked as a high school shop teacher. They both loved their roles and the home environment they created, but after years of putting big personal aspirations aside, they’ve reinvented themselves as venue owners. 

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Business Spotlight Series [2 of 4]

I can’t wait to share another business spotlight with you this week. Let’s take a peek into the behind the scenes of Whitney’s business...

Whitney is a mother of three young kids. She loves staying home with her kids, and adding to her family income with some wedding work. She got her start doing flowers and planning for weddings, baby showers, and parties for her family and friends. Now, she’s trying to transition from a side hobby to a real business that makes real money. And that means working with people who aren’t just looking for a good deal (aka… not family or friends). 

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Six-Figure Salary from Flowers: Wedpreneur Podcast

Wondering if you can really make a livable income on a floral designer salary?

You totally can! I solely supported my family of five for the past five years with my floral design business— all with a zero dollar marketing budget!

How did I do it?

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Developing a Fresh Look on a Repeat Venue

I try to look at a popular venue where hundreds of weddings have been designed with the exact same layout as a challenge. The very first thing I do is ask myself, "How can I lay this out how it's never been done before?"

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Zimmerman Events featured on Arkansas Bride

Zimmerman Events is honored to be featured in the Best of 2018: Florals by Arkansas Bride!

The Arkansas Bride team has noticed bundles of beyond beautiful bouquets, centerpieces, cake accents, tree installations, asymmetrical ceremony decor and more. So we decided to devote an entire Best of 2018 day to them! From cascading beauties to classic round bouquets — it was hard to pick just eight of our favorites!

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Your Sensitivity is Not a Sign of Weakness

I remember around this time last year, having dinner with a friend and somehow the topic of sensitivity came up and I said, "I'm sensitive."

Her response was, "That's really good that you recognize that and are able to admit that. Now you can work on it."

Her words were meant to be encouraging and I know they came from a place of love. The truth is I'm grateful that I feel things so deeply. I believe that feeling deeply allows for great inward focus, which has helped tremendously in growing my business. I also think it allows me to be more aware of what others are experiencing, which comes in super handy when planning a wedding. The truth is I don't view it as something I need to work on, but rather a strength.

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Don’t wish for what you’re not prepared for.

Four years ago, I attended my floral idol’s workshop. I remember sitting in the front row soaking in every single word she said, writing down notes like a crazy woman, asking questions like my life depended on it, and seeing images of her beautiful work as they displayed on the screen in front of me.

I remember thinking, “I wish I could be like her. I wish I could do events like she does. I wish could have big budget clients like she has.”

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