Three Reasons You Need to Stop Sleeping on Pinterest

I realized the other day that some people still don’t know that you can use Pinterest to market your business. And no, I’m not just making this story up so I can talk about how great Pinterest is for business. I was a guest on podcast and after being asked about my marketing strategies, I talked about Pinterest. The host had never had a guest talk about Pinterest marketing before!

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Sleeping with a Stranger's Leading Man, Brian Zimmerman: Under the Cover

Today, I’m sitting down with my favorite guest, Brian Zimmerman!

So many of you have written in or DM’d me asking questions about Sleeping with a Stranger’s Brian Zimmerman. So much of the book focuses on our journey emotionally, relationally, and physically, and you guys want to know how we’re doing! Well, today we’re going to talk to the man himself, and ask him what it’s been like to have our story in the pages of a book that the whole world can read!

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First Copy, First Readers: Under the Cover

This week on Zimmerman Podcast, for my special Under the Cover series, I’m sharing all about receiving my first copy of the Sleeping with a Stranger (in glossy hardback no less!). And I’m sharing all about what the first readers are saying after getting their advanced copies of the book.

As we’ve started getting feedback from the Advanced Reading Team, it’s making everything feel so real! I can’t wait until you can get your hands on your own copy. Which miiiiight come sooner than you think. Make sure you listen to next week’s episode to find out!

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