Sleeping with a Stranger's Leading Man, Brian Zimmerman: Under the Cover


Today, I’m sitting down with my favorite guest, Brian Zimmerman!

So many of you have written in or DM’d me asking questions about Sleeping with a Stranger’s Brian Zimmerman. So much of the book focuses on our journey emotionally, relationally, and physically, and you guys want to know how we’re doing!

Well, today we’re going to talk to the man himself, and ask him what it’s been like to have our story in the pages of a book that the whole world can read! 

While Brian isn’t as public as I am because of the nature of my work, his support and willingness to share have made this whole project possible, and I am so thankful for him!


  • The emotional drive Brian and I took the day I found out the book was about to become real

  • How we navigate our roles in marriage after being forced to leave behind traditional gender roles

  • How Brian feels about the public’s reaction to Brian’s character 

  • Whether Brian ever had reservations about sharing his story

Want to hear from the leading man himself? Click here.


Sleeping with a Stranger - Audiobook

If you love Zimmerman Podcast and you end each episode thinking, “gosh, I just need more of this in my life…”, have I got the thing for you. I just got back from recording the audiobook for Sleeping with a Stranger and something about recording the book out loud made me both excited and terrified. It is by far the most exposed I’d ever felt, but for a listener, it’s the most personal way to take in the story. As a special treat, I’m releasing my audiobook seven days early on May 1st, 2020. AND if you buy the audiobook in the month of May and email your receipt to, you will be given a back-stage-pass to an online Sleeping with a Stranger special event with me and special guest Brian Zimmerman. He’s kind of the leading man in the story. So set a reminder for May 1st and buy the audiobook and email us your receipt to claim your backstage pass. Go to to snag the audiobook on May 1st!

Follow along as I share the making of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, on the Zimmerman Podcast!