Posts tagged pinterest marketing
Let's Get You out of Your Funk

I couldn’t let the week end without telling you about one of my most popular classes ever That’s open for just a few more days. What’s the class about? If you’re feeling lost and confused when it comes to doing business online and you feel like selling online is working for everyone but you, The Zimmerman Toolkit to Standing Out Online is for you!

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Business, Pinterest, and Becoming Who You're Meant to Be: Jessica on Make Yourself Podcast

I had such a great time talking with Jill and Amelia on Make Yourself Podcast. They were so kind to allow me to share my story with their audience, from my sister’s death when I was three through my husband’s illness and to the nitty gritty details of the business I run today. It takes a whole lot of pain, trauma, joy, and passion to become who you’re meant to be, y’all, and as tough as the past few years have been for me, I’m so thankful for who they’ve shaped me to be.

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Five Tips to Turn Your Website into an All-Star Employee

Come take a look inside my business. Today, I’m giving you a quick peek into how I stay relevant and market my work, whether I’m doing wedding flowers, sharing about my podcast, promoting my book, or inviting people to learn from my online courses. There are a few tips and tricks that always work for me!

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Three Tips to Get You Started on Pinterest in Ten Minutes or Less

I’ve spilled the beans! My secret to getting prime website traffic? Pinterest! Using Pinterest to market might take a big mindset shift, but actually getting started on the platform couldn’t be easier! You can break into the Pinterest space with just three steps that take ten minutes or less.

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Want More Traffic? It's All About Location, Location, Location.

If you didn’t do business online before, I bet you do now! When I first bought my business in 2011, I had a huge storefront, walk in consultations, and a website that looked straight out of the ‘90’s. My income relied on foot traffic, not web traffic!

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Three Reasons You Need to Stop Sleeping on Pinterest

I realized the other day that some people still don’t know that you can use Pinterest to market your business. And no, I’m not just making this story up so I can talk about how great Pinterest is for business. I was a guest on podcast and after being asked about my marketing strategies, I talked about Pinterest. The host had never had a guest talk about Pinterest marketing before!

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