Posts tagged branding expert
How to Use Failure to Build a Better Business with Tracy Matthews

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 53! Today I’m sitting down with Tracy Matthews, the creator of Tracy Matthews Jewelry and Creatives Rule the World, and Flourish and Thrive Academy. Tracy creates beautiful heirloom pieces that have been featured in stores around the world and worn by people like Orlando Bloom and Halle Berry. I’m so excited to share our conversation with you.

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Simplifying Marketing Messaging with Tim Burt

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 51. Today, I’m sitting down with Tim Burt, author, speaker, producer, podcaster, and marketing expert behind Tim Burt Media. Tim uses his marketing genius to create online ads that reach the masses, help with international presidential campaigns, and turn small business owners into millionaires.

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Aligned and Profitable Business with Elizabeth Hartke

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 49. Today I’m welcoming Elizabeth Hartke to the podcast. Elizabeth is a strategist who teaches entrepreneurs how to scale their influence and income without sacrificing their time and values. Today, Elizabeth and I are going to talk about what’s blocking your business growth, how to break down those barriers, how to identify who you want to become, how that aligns with your business, and how to course-correct if where you want to be isn’t where you are. Her goal is to teach entrepreneurs how to run businesses that align with their purpose and dreams, and she practices what she preaches!

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Get Brand Clarity with These Creative Prompts with Kathryn Joachim of Creme Brands

Today is the last episode of my four-part miniseries with Kathryn Joachim of Creme Brands.

In this episode, we’re talking about how to get brand clarity through creative prompts. When Kathryn and I worked together on the Zimmerman rebrand, she use a few prompts to help me fully realize how I wanted to communicate the brand and get ideas I had in my head fully realized in a visual brand.

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