Posts tagged jessica zimmerman author
Living the Story: Under the Cover

We’re continuing to look back at the Zimmerman Podcast miniseries, Sleeping with a Stranger: Under the Cover. In the few weeks that led up up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, which is available now.

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No One Will Work Harder for You Than You

It’d been about three months since I’d stepped into a bookstore when I popped into Barnes and Noble the other day with Stella, masks and all. And there it was, my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, on the bottom right of the bookshelf. (I wonder if I can convince Brian to change our last name to something that starts with an “A” so we can get that top shelf spot??) It was the first time since my book released that I’d had the chance to see it on a shelf. Turns out, releasing a book during a global pandemic tends to throw off plans like book tours, press features, and readings. I’d be lying if I said that this change of plans hasn’t been, at times, frustrating, infuriating, and discouraging. It has been all of those things and more.

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Entrepreneur at Life: Jessica Featured in AY Magazine

If you’re from Arkansas, you probably know AY Magazine! I’m so excited to represent my home state in the virtual pages of AY Magazine today. COVID-19 certainly through my book tour plans out the window, and instead of spending the past few months in television studios doing interviews, I’ve been home with my family doing phone interviews from my upstairs office.

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My Coffee Table Book Obsession

Do you ever wonder how long interior design magazines have been around? I do. I haven’t yet found the answer to that question, but I do know with nearly 100% certainty that for as long as interior design magazines have been around, they’ve shown off beautiful coffee table books. I’m obsessed with coffee table books.

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