USA Today Best Seller!

Sleeping with a Stranger by Jessica Zimmerman | USA Today Best Seller

THE USA TODAY has named Sleeping with a Stranger a best seller!

This has been a whirlwind first week for this book, and today is no different!

We’ve been named a USA Today best seller!

As exciting as it is to have something I’ve worked on for months be on best seller lists like this, it’s equally exciting (if not more so) to read the personal reviews that have been posted so far.

Here’s one review from Mark D. that stood out to me today…

“Jessica gives us all the feels with this book. Her story of rewriting the rules for women and learning how not to stay broken make for a very powerful read. There is a humility in her delivery that is like listening to your best friend share the intimate details of her life. A must read.”

The only way I was able to get through writing the personal and often embarrassing details of this book was by imagining I was writing them all down for my best friend, so I love that that came through for Mark.

The best thing you can do to help me get this self-published book out into the world is to buy it and share about it, so make sure you grab a copy today, and leave a review once you’ve read it!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your continued support!

