Posts tagged memoir
How the Original Bloomer Built Her Empire

One hundred thousand dollars. Doesn’t that number just take your breath away? Have you ever asked someone for a $100,000 loan? I have. It’s how I saved my business from bankruptcy and created a stable, thriving floral and event design business that supported my family of five as we navigated a twin pregnancy, parenting three under three, and a hospitalized husband.

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Celebrating the Book Launch: Under the Cover

Rachel and I have finally recorded the last of the Under the Cover series. I’m sure everyone is celebrating the end of this series just as much as they’re celebrating the book launch! When we started, we thought we’d record eight podcast episodes, but with changes in the launch schedule, we ended up recording about double that. But today is the best episode yet, because the book is finally out there in the world for everyone to read on any platform they want!

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The Business of Selling Books: Under the Cover

Today on Zimmerman Podcast, we’ve got a crossover episode on our hands! We’re talking business and books as I walk through the process of using my marketing prowess to get this self-published book in the hands of readers around the world!

Everything I’ve learned about marketing and business has helped make this book launch a success, and it just goes to show that some marketing strategies really can be used in any industry!

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Sleeping with a Stranger's Leading Man, Brian Zimmerman: Under the Cover

Today, I’m sitting down with my favorite guest, Brian Zimmerman!

So many of you have written in or DM’d me asking questions about Sleeping with a Stranger’s Brian Zimmerman. So much of the book focuses on our journey emotionally, relationally, and physically, and you guys want to know how we’re doing! Well, today we’re going to talk to the man himself, and ask him what it’s been like to have our story in the pages of a book that the whole world can read!

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Writing Marathon: Under the Cover

We’re continuing our brand new Zimmerman Podcast miniseries, Sleeping with a Stranger: Under the Cover. In the next few weeks leading up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir which releases April 7, 2020.

This week Rachel interviewed me about the writing process, and we’re not kidding when we call it a marathon! You’ll hear all about how I wrote this book in the midst of other major projects.

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The Call that Changed Everything: Under the Cover

We’re continuing our brand new Zimmerman Podcast miniseries, Sleeping with a Stranger: Under the Cover. In the next few weeks leading up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, which releases April 7, 2020. 

This week Rachel interviewed me about the phone call that changed everything! It was the moment my personal life and my work life intersected and everything made sense, from the moment my sister died, to the day I got that call. I’ve never had such an overwhelming feeling of peace and joy and assurance of being exactly where I’m supposed to be doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

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Questions with Rachel: Listening to My Gut, Writing My Memoir, and Self Care in a Hustle Culture

It’s time for another episode of Questions with Rachel! In this episode, Rachel asked me all about my new book, Sleeping with a Stranger, which will be available in stores and online April 7th 2020.

We also talked about what I had to sacrifice to get this book written, what it really means to find balance and take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else, and how I’m feeling about making my carefully-guarded personal life so public when the book launches. Hint. Everyday I wake up and tell myself there’s still time to pull the book. If you’re ready for some honest conversation and even a few book sneaks, keep reading and then have a listen to this episode!

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How the Original Bloomer Built Her Empire

One hundred thousand dollars. Doesn’t that number just take your breath away?

Have you ever asked someone for a $100,000 loan? I have.

It’s how I saved my business from bankruptcy and created a stable, thriving floral and event design business that supported my family of five as we navigated a twin pregnancy, parenting three under three, and a hospitalized husband.

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I Went Dark Last Month

I went dark on my instagram feed two weeks ago. I had given myself one week to write a book, and I needed total focus to make that happen.

For that one week, I holed up in a hotel in downtown Little Rock and went to work! It was grueling; a total marathon. But I got my draft to the editor by the deadline, and it felt darn good getting everything down on paper (or virtual paper, at least).

In the week since I turned in my draft, I've felt a little funky, like I have a writing hangover.

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