Podcast Preview: Episode Five Sneak Peek!


Zimmerman Podcast episode five is all about email!

Email is one of the topics I get the most questions about. Why? We all use email and few of us feel we're using it well!

But I'm here to help! Here's what we're talking about on Tuesday's email episode...

  • Why email is the enemy of productivity

  • How you can establish email boundaries to multiply time and focus

  • My best tips and tricks for training yourself to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to your business

(guess what-- it all revolves around email!)

If you're finding yourself checking your email while playing with your kids, after you get out of the shower, when you're on the toilet (yupp... I'm going there), in bed at night... and in the morning, at a stoplight...then you need to give your email game a tune-up!

If you're spending your best hours responding to emails, you're solving someone else's problems instead of investing in your own business or living your own life.

That's just the truth.

Is email a big, time-sucking dread for you? Or are you loving your inbox life? Tell me in the comments!

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