Posts tagged finish strong
The Finish Strong Challenge Day 5 - But how do you want to spend your days?

But how do you want to spend your days? So maybe yesterday’s training revealed some broken systems in your day, or a few missing hours you could be using to create your dream life but are instead using to fuel your Netflix mastery (we’ve all been there.)

Never fear! Today we’re going to look at what our ideal days would look like. 

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Dreaming Big and Setting Goals

Last night my dad called me. During that conversation he asked, “What is something you’re proud of that you accomplished this year?”

Is he not the most incredible dad?! I told him I’m proud of prioritizing myself. I now wholeheartedly know that I’m best for myself, for others, for my business when I spend the first part of my day taking care of me. It centers me and I feel more peaceful.

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The Finish Strong Challenge

Those awkward days between Christmas and starting our new year often leave us thinking… what now?

With my Finish Strong Challenge, we’re going to turn your what now attitude into a here’s how guide for living a life filled with purpose and joy in the new year.

If you’re feeling the New Year’s blues, stuck somewhere between “How is that year already over?!” and “I can’t believe that’s all I got done,” then this challenge is for you!

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