The Surprising Enemy of Productivity


Today we’re looking back at Zimmerman Podcast episode 005 where we’re talking everything email! I can’t think of anything less sexy to talk, but hear me out:

Over the years, I’ve both seen and experienced how much an unruly email inbox can derail an entire day. I truly believe that productivity is won and lost in your inbox.

Because how can you get anything done when you’re constantly solving other peoples’ problems?

Put your email on “do not disturb,” because I’m telling you exactly how to keep email from derailing your business.

Check out the full episode


How much time every day do you spend checking your email, responding to emails, or worrying about things that you found out about by checking your email?

Most businesses are run by email these days, but email can also be the enemy of productivity.

Why is it the enemy?

  • Multitasking doesn’t work.

    As women we tend to be multi-taskers. But guess what? You’re not focusing on your real life tasks or fully devoting your attention to your emails when you try to do both at the same time. No one is getting you at your best.

    I have the option to take email off of my phone. I have the option to set boundaries, and so do you.

  • You become reactive instead of proactive.

    Email is a distraction – when we schedule and prioritize our day then our important business goals and tasks get done because we’re not reacting and responding to others’ problems.

  • You have limited energy and brain power – schedule your day wisely.

My brain works differently at 9 am than it does at 3 pm and I start to lose my ability to focus throughout the day. By constantly checking email, we’re taking away mental energy for other more important tasks.

I schedule my day wisely – I begin work at 8am and I don’t check email until after lunch. This gives me the time to get my work done and gives me time to give thoughtful and prepared responses when I do reply to my emails.

Changes to make

So what can you do to increase your productivity?

  • Delete email off your phone (trust me!)

  • Don’t check email until after lunch

  • Delegate emails that you personally don’t need to answer

When it comes to your inbox you need be in control. So let’s take control in order to start really growing your business!


Beekeeper’s Naturals

Beekeeper's Naturals created the B. Powered superfood honey that I use every day to keep my energy up. It helps me wake up ready to hit the ground running, and stay awake and focused all day long.

If you want some B. Powered of your own (with 15% off!) head to guide to Eliminating Email Stress will help you take control of your inbox so you can prioritize your own projects, and move the needle in your business each day.Go to to get your free guide!

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