Posts tagged email
The Surprising Enemy of Productivity

Today we’re looking back at Zimmerman Podcast Episode 005 where we’re talking everything email! I can’t think of anything less sexy to talk, but hear me out: Over the years, I’ve both seen and experienced how much an unruly email inbox can derail an entire day. I truly believe that productivity is won and lost in your inbox. Because how can you get anything done when you’re constantly solving other peoples’ problems?

Put your email on “do not disturb,” because I’m telling you exactly how to keep email from derailing your business.

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The Surprising Enemy of Productivity

On today’s episode we’re talking everything email! I can’t think of anything less sexy to talk, but hear me out:

Over the years, I’ve both seen and experienced how much an unruly email inbox can derail an entire day. I truly believe that productivity is won and lost in your inbox.

Because how can you get anything done when you’re constantly solving other peoples’ problems?

Put your email on “do not disturb,” because I’m telling you exactly how to keep email from derailing your business.

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8 Tips to Eliminate Email Stress + Take Back Control of Your Inbox

Remember when the smartphone came out? Remember how life changing it felt to be able to check your email anywhere? Talk about freedom! Fast forward to today - do you still feel that same freedom? Can I be honest for a second? Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade. I remember when I was a kid how the phone would ring and someone would yell, “I’ll get it!” I miss those days.

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