Posts tagged planning
How I Schedule My Posts with Planoly and Pinterest

If you're using Planoly to schedule instagram posts like we are, then listen up!

You can now use Planoly to schedule content on my FAVORITE platform, Pinterest! I use Pinterest every single day to market my business and connect with ideal brides.

If you're already using Planoly, here are some of the great things you can do with Planoly + Pinterest.
I went straight to the source-- my Pinterest manager-- to find these hot tips.

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Inside My Planner

Appointments on your phone are great, and I used to do that; but I found having EVERYTHING in one place helps my everyday productivity tremendously. I decided to buy myself an annual planner. I use Emily Ley’s simplified planner. I bought it keeping in mind it is going to get messy, but it’s a way to organize my life around the things that matter most! I learned a wonderful tip from Emily Ley: there needs to be plenty of white space in your planner.

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