Posts tagged making dreams reality
Dreaming Big and Setting Goals

Last night my dad called me. During that conversation he asked, “What is something you’re proud of that you accomplished this year?”

Is he not the most incredible dad?! I told him I’m proud of prioritizing myself. I now wholeheartedly know that I’m best for myself, for others, for my business when I spend the first part of my day taking care of me. It centers me and I feel more peaceful.

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How to Stop Making Excuses and Start Making a Business and Life You Love

I’ve been feeling a tug at my heart for a while now. Something inside me is saying it’s time for a change, it’s time to pivot, to try something new. I’ve had a very specific dream for the past 18 years. That dream has evolved over time, but it’s still there. On Mother’s Day, Brian gave me the best gift in the world, rest. He took the kids for the day and I caught up on some much needed rest. Those days of being all by myself all day long are so incredibly rare, but it’s those days when I get my best ideas. I’m writing this post for one reason, because I want to remember this moment. I want to remember this day as the day I finally stopped allowing this dream to be just a dream.

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