Dreaming Big and Setting Goals


Last night my dad called me. During that conversation he asked, “What is something you’re proud of that you accomplished this year?”

Is he not the most incredible dad?!

I told him I’m proud of prioritizing myself. I now wholeheartedly know that I’m best for myself, for others, for my business when I spend the first part of my day taking care of me. It centers me and I feel more peaceful.

What this looks like in this season is waking up and being with my husband before we wake up the kids, get them ready and off to school. Then, giving myself time. I do a devotional, meditate, and workout. The only thing mandatory is taking time for myself to be still and quiet.

It’s taken nearly three years of solid commitment. The progress has been slow, but I knew it would never stick if I tried to incorporate everything at once. In January 2017, I began doing morning devotionals, every single day. In November 2017, I began incorporating DAILY exercise into my routine. In November 2018, I began to learn how to eat for my health. In May 2019, I began practicing meditation.

In September of this year, I finally felt the benefits of everything come together.

I share this because with the new year approaching, we are about to go into the season of goal setting. I’m all about dreaming big and setting big goals. I’m even leading an 11 day challenge about it that ‪starts December 26th.‬ But whether you join me on the challenge or not, I’d love to encourage you to set at least one goal that is only for you. Not your business, not your family, just you. When you close your eyes and picture the best version of yourself, what does that person look like? Better yet, how does that person feel?

Maybe the best version of you feels capable, or laughs more, or has more lunches with friends, or has more energy, or wants to learn to play piano, or speak Italian.

Go ahead. Close your eyes. Picture your best self.

What do you see? What do you feel? And here’s the real question - what are you willing to do to get there?

Join my 11 day challenge and see exactly how I set goals for the year ahead, goals I actually achieve!