The Finish Strong Challenge Day 4


Wait, there are how many hours in a day?!?

Still the normal 24… although this time of year it feels like there’s about ten minutes in each day thanks to the early sunset.

You know what else cuts down on the time in each day?  Instagram breaks, mindless scrolling, frustrating interruptions, and inefficiency.

I think we all know what it feels like to feel a difference between the person we are and the person we want to be.

The secret to cracking this code is to look at how we spend our time. 

In today’s training, we’re looking at how we spent our non-work hours, so come prepared to look at yours days with a microscope and an extra helping of grace.

Watch the video, download the PDF and come participate in the group conversation on the Zimmerman Insiders Group!

To download the PDF for Day 4 of The Finish Strong Challenge, click below!