How to Get Started With Your Floral Business


First ask yourself:

Do you really want a floral business? It’s okay to have a hobby and for it to be simply a hobby. My greatest passion is travel, but I wouldn’t enjoy it as much if every time I traveled, I also had to write a feature about it.

I think it’ really important to know that owning your own floral business doesn’t mean you are doing flowers all day. There is a reason only 5% of small businesses succeed. The business-side of it takes up the majority of your day.

It’s important to ask yourself why you want a floral business and be very honest about that answer. That answer will help you when making decisions in the future. That answer becomes a guideline, a boundary. For me, that answer is to have more time with my family.

Everyone is going to have an opinion. You have to make up your mind for what you want and you have to make decisions. No one is going to make you successful. If you want it, you have to do it. Just get going.

99% of succeeding at this business is confidence. It’s a mindset.

Click here for more tips on starting your business!