Stop Waiting and Wondering; Open the Door


Have you ever thought this...

"I think I would love to do _______, but I just don't know if I'd be good at it. It seems like a risk!


"I want to reach this goal, but I'm scared to actually go for it. What if I fail?"


"This seems so cool, but I need to wait until my circumstances are perfect before I can dive in."

If that sounds like you, let me tell you this:

You are standing in a hallway waiting outside a door that's half open, half closed. You can see the light on the other side, but you're never going to know what's there unless you act.

Whoever you are and whatever you do, please realize this: you have the power to move in a new direction, to pivot and make any changes you want to make! You're in charge.

You can have a whole list of dreams and goals. You can have notebooks or google docs filled with plans, but you're never going to know the right direction for you unless you act! Experience is the best way to gain real clarity.

Don't waste time wondering what's on the other side of that door. Get out of the hallway. Open the door wide, and jump in!

One of two things will happen.

You'll either love it, or you'll fail. And by fail, I mean you'll realize that path wasn't for you, you'll have a clearer direction on what you want to do, and you'll have learned a ton in the process.

Either way, you’ll be one step closer to finding your purpose.

My therapist once told me I’m not just a business entrepreneur, I'm an entrepreneur at life. This means that I'm constantly juggling new ideas, new dreams, new potential directions to take my life and business.

I've spent years figuring out how to make purposeful, bold, exciting steps in my business while also not chasing every idea on a whim. It's all part of my Annual Planning process that my team and I go through one month each year.

January 2020 is the first time I'm offering this process to the general public!

What's the hardest part of dreaming big for you? Taking action on something, or choosing one thing to pursue?

Tell me in the comments!