Posts tagged podcast interview
Pulling Up My Chair with Leo Cummings III

I recently sat down with Leo Cummings III to chat on his podcast, Pull Up a Chair. Leo is a longtime friend of mine. Every time we sit down to catch up, we get super deep AND laugh hysterically. If you know me at all, you know this is my preferred communication style.

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Body, Mind, Spirit: Jessica on Take the Leap Podcast

Recently, I got to sit down with Tiffany Toombs of the Take the Leap Podcast. One of my favorite questions Tiffany asked was, “What was the biggest win [I’ve] experienced in [my] journey.” I got to share with her about the importance of taking care of myself spiritually, mentally, and physically. So often we can lean too heavily on just one of these arenas.

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Business, Pinterest, and Becoming Who You're Meant to Be: Jessica on Make Yourself Podcast

I had such a great time talking with Jill and Amelia on Make Yourself Podcast. They were so kind to allow me to share my story with their audience, from my sister’s death when I was three through my husband’s illness and to the nitty gritty details of the business I run today. It takes a whole lot of pain, trauma, joy, and passion to become who you’re meant to be, y’all, and as tough as the past few years have been for me, I’m so thankful for who they’ve shaped me to be.

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Black Dude White Dude Podcast

I’m back on Black Dude White Dude Podcast and it’s better than ever! I always love my time with Leo and Todd, and I had a blast talking about Sleeping with a Stranger with them. Leo and Todd are not who anyone would consider the target audience for the book, but they loved the book and totally related to the story.

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Going Beyond the Blooms

The FamilyPreneur Podcast with Meg Brunson is redefining “balance by involving her kids in business… Since leaving her corporate job to be a more present mom to her 4 daughters, Meg provides marketing support to parents building businesses without mom guilt.” Basically, Meg and I have a lot in common and I loved being a guest on her podcast.

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