Want More Traffic? It's All About Location, Location, Location.


If you didn’t do business online before, I bet you do now!

When I first bought my business in 2011, I had a huge storefront, walk in consultations, and a website that looked straight out of the ‘90’s.

My income relied on foot traffic, not web traffic!

These days? I do all of my business online. More and more, I see businesses embracing virtual commerce.

Here at Zimmerman, we’d been working on a simple website course since last year, way before any news of COVID-19 hit. But when students had to close their doors and move all their operations to virtual spaces, we knew we had to act!

We sped up the launch of our course A Winning Website, and quickly revamped it just a few weeks later, making sure anyone who wanted to could DIY a beautiful, profitable website in just a few days.

But a beautiful website is kind of like a beautiful store… who cares how pretty it looks if no one comes inside?

Well, I’ve got a secret to getting virtual traffic inside my online store.

The top rule of real estate?

Location, location location.

That goes for your online real estate, too! Where are you showing up online? Would you rather set up shop in a spacious downtown lot that has great parking, or a small third-floor walkup on the outskirts of town?

And what’s the online version of the downtown hotspot? I’ll tell you!

It’s Pinterest.

Pinterest has all the traffic, with over 335 million monthly users.

And they’re not just window shopping.

83% of all weekly pinners have made purchases based on content they saw on Pinterest.

The whole goal of Pinterest is, “to help empower people to discover things they love and inspire them to go do those things in real life.”

While most platforms discourage you from navigating off their site or app, that’s literally the whole goal of Pinterest! To introduce you to things you’ll love and get you making, creating, and buying.

If you’re looking to turn foot traffic into website traffic, Pinterest is the dreamy location you’re looking for.

Want to know how you can start using Pinterest strategically? It’s easier than you think!

Check back next week where I’ll share my top tips for getting started with Pinterest in three simple steps that take ten minutes or less.