Uncomplicating Pinterest on Growth Experts Podcast


Through a lot of trial and error and frustration, I’ve certainly become a business growth expert over the years, which is why it was so great to be featured on Growth Experts Podcast.

Dennis Brown has recorded over 200 episodes on his Growth Experts Podcast… and has never once talked about Pinterest.

I don’t know what it is about men and Pinterest, but as Dennis said, it’s like a different language!

So after giving Dennis some insight into my personal life, it was time to hunker down and give him some Pinsight (get it?) into Pinterest success!

It didn’t take him long to hop on the Pinterest train. Dennis made such a great point… even when we do google searches, we’re drawn to the search results that have images… and how often do they send you to Pinterest?

Almost every time!

Pinterest can get you seen on Google if you’re having a hard time breaking into one of those top Google search spots.

Dennis loved that whatever work is done on Pinterest pays off for years to come.

It’s a quick conversation, and worth a listen!

Click play below to listen.