Posts tagged marketing
Business, Pinterest, and Becoming Who You're Meant to Be: Jessica on Make Yourself Podcast

I had such a great time talking with Jill and Amelia on Make Yourself Podcast. They were so kind to allow me to share my story with their audience, from my sister’s death when I was three through my husband’s illness and to the nitty gritty details of the business I run today. It takes a whole lot of pain, trauma, joy, and passion to become who you’re meant to be, y’all, and as tough as the past few years have been for me, I’m so thankful for who they’ve shaped me to be.

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Building a Strong Foundation through Struggle: Jessica on BYN Podcast

I’m sharing my conversation with Travis of Build Your Network podcast! We talked about my book Sleeping with a Stranger, why it’s smart to financially invest in your own business, and what it takes to have a smart marketing plan. I truly believe that if you’re passionate about something and willing to do the work to build a strong foundation, there’s no limit to what you can do! If you’re looking for a shorter episode to give you a quick insight into who I am and what I’m all about, this episode is for you!

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Three Tips to Transform Your Business with Kathryn Moorehouse

On today’s episode of the Zimmmerman Podcast, I interview my personal Pinterest manager, Kathryn Moorhouse. She’s a Pinterest marketing educator and online marketing mentor who teaches small business owners how to simplify their online marketing strategies and use Pinterest effectively so they can create a profitable business that gives them the time freedom they've been searching for. 

Kathryn and I talk about common Pinterest hang-ups, why Pinterest actually works, and some concrete steps you can take today to start selling products and booking gigs through FREE Pinterest marketing. Pinterest works. It’s the number one traffic driver to my website. I’m so excited to share my personal Pinterest manager with you!

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