How the Original Bloomer Built Her Empire


Zimmerman Podcast: Episode 002

One hundred thousand dollars. Doesn’t that number just take your breath away?

Have you ever asked someone for a $100,000 loan? I have.

It’s how I saved my business from bankruptcy and created a stable, thriving floral and event design business that supported my family of five as we navigated a twin pregnancy, parenting three under three, and a hospitalized husband.

Today, on my first full-length Podcast episode, I’m sharing my story. The good, bad, and ugly of how I transformed my entire life by putting aside unhealthy habits and rebuilding my business from the ground up.

It’s amazing what you can do when you have no money, a ton of grit, and a family to provide for. I’m sharing with you how a six figure loan turned into a seven figure empire.

So this episode is basically the equivalent of a first-day-of-school get-to-know-you mixer. Some of you may be new to the Zimmerman family and have no idea who I am or what I’m about or how I got to this point. This episode is my chance to share all of that and invite you to know more about me and how I became the host of this podcast, and a life-long entrepreneur.

Growing up

My drive to be a business owner started when I lost my sister when I was three. We were in a car accident. One of us survived, and one of us didn’t, and that was the day my life changed. Knowing so clearly that tomorrow isn’t promised at such a young age, I started to really value time. It’s our greatest commodity and I value it more than any dollar I could make because I can’t get it back – I can make more money, but not more time.

I grew up in a home where my mom worked at home and my dad worked outside the home and provided for us financially. They’ve taught me so much, including commitment and working through the challenging things that come up in life. I also knew from an early age that my mom was a wonderful mom and wife, but that I wanted a different life from the one she chose. I wanted an identity that was a separate from being a mom and a wife. I knew I wanted to be in control of my schedule so I could spend as many hours away from work with the people I love. And I wanted something that was just mine.

Still growing up…

The only way I knew how to have something that was just mine was to own my own business. But before I could enter the work world, it took me seven years to complete college. I hated it. How is an 18 year old supposed to know what she’s supposed to do with her life? While I didn't love classes, some good did come out of my time at the University of Arkansas. It's where I met my husband Brian during my freshman year.

Knowing what I know now about the value of a dollar and how much it takes to earn money… it makes me sick I didn’t take college more seriously. The thing is, if I’m interested in a subject, I’m all in, but if I’m not interested, there’s no hope – I’m never going to get into it.

I changed my major several times, because I would quickly realize I didn’t want to make a career out whatever I was studying, and it became more and more clear that time was super important to me. I met my guidance counselor and asked her what major would let me graduate the quickest – and I switched to become a Communications major. After that meeting, I read a list of the types of careers you can have with a Communications degree, and saw Event Planning and thought “I can do that.”

Brian and I got married right after college, and I printed up business cards for my Event Planning business, only to sit on the couch for a year because I knew nothing. I had business cards, I didn't have a business. I wallowed for a year, wondering what I was doing with my life. After several months, I decided to go work at a local kitchen supply store, thinking it would be a good place to learn about business. It was an incredible learning experience, and after four years, I left, having learned all that I could.

Time for change

I worked for a lady who owned an event rentals business and wanted to sell it to me after a year. After I bought the business, I continued to do things the way she’d done. I soon found out the business did not have a good foundation, and I would lay awake at night worrying about how I would pay for things. I worked myself (and Brian) to death during that time.

Stella, my daughter, was six months old at the time and I realized something had to change – this was not what I went into business for. I wanted my own business so I could be in control of my time, so I could have something of my own and to be able to be profitable enough to pay myself a small salary. My business was the opposite of all the things I wanted.

Investing in myself and building a successful business

I’ve always been naturally good at sales and learned from my dad, who is an excellent salesman. I knew in order to make changes in my business, I needed time and money. I went into the bank and pitched myself and my abilities to them. I somehow convinced them to give me a $100,000 loan so I could get some education and transform by business.

I took that loan and spent $40,000 on my education (consultants, mentors, workshops), I read business books and listened to podcasts, met with successful people and became obsessed with gaining the knowledge of successful people. I wanted to know their habits, what they did, why it worked, and how quickly I could apply it to my own business.

I used the rest of that loan to keep my business afloat so I had time to implement what I was learning. I had to tear down my current business and totally rebuild it on a solid foundation. During this time, I decided to focus on floral design, because it was a profitable portion of my business, and I could make my hours be “by appointment only.” I was able to set boundaries and be intentional about my work, about my clients, and about my time. I rebranded to attract more of my ideal clients as I continued to implement what I had learned.

Within a few months I began paying myself a small salary out of the money we were making. That year, we really turned things around and did well. Within two years, I was paying myself a six-figure salary. During this time, some of my followers noticed the change in my business and started reaching out for advice. I soon realized that most people had the same questions, and I was repeating myself during each meeting. That's when I wrote my course, the Business Behind the Blooms.

Becoming an educator

To be honest, I really just wanted to own my own business – I didn’t care what it was. I just wanted to be able to control my time (take and pick up my kids from school and attend their events) and I wanted the freedom to travel – which is my biggest passion. I have never been passionate about flowers the way most people in the wedding industry are, but I realized I was meant to be in the wedding industry so I could fail, pick myself back up, and learn piece-by-piece how to build a solid foundation and a successful business.

It’s turned into something beyond what I could have imagined, and it became clear I was supposed to teach what I knew to others. I think one of the reasons BBB is so different from every other course is that I’m no longer trying to be this incredible floral designer and event planner – I’ve already done that. I don’t have this need to keep any information to myself. I’m more than happy to share all of it, not 60%, not 70%, but every single bit. BBB has been successful because it doesn’t leave you asking questions, and because it works. The testimonies show that over and over again.

Sleeping With A Stranger

One thing I haven’t shared before is what was going on behind the scenes the year I built my business. Stella was not yet two when I gave birth to twin boys, Perry and Zeke. Six weeks after they were born, Brian became very sick. That year, he was in and out of the hospital and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. It was the worst year of my life. I became a different person. I became the most determined human being so I could make six figures and take care of my family. I go into great detail about that year in my book “Sleeping with a Stranger”. It’s raw, a uncomfortable, and while I’m a little scared for people to know that much about me, there’s nothing in my life that has made as much sense to me as writing this book. I believe it will help and serve people. There was a bigger purpose all along from weddings, to education, to the podcast and now to this book.

What life looks like now

My life looks different now than it did a couple years ago – I’m working from home now (not at my studio), I have an incredible team of about nine people who all work remotely, I have so many Bloomers (those students who have purchased my BBB course) and in 2020, we’ll have four amazing programs available for our students that I’m so excited to share. Today, I get to wake up as the face and voice of this incredible business that I built during the most challenging year of my life. I get to share what I’ve learned and share my story to create connection with all of you.

I never thought I could have a job educating and encouraging fellow business owners. I truly never get used to the fact that this is my life now. It’s an honor to share with you and learn together. I’m not ahead of you, I’m walking right along side of you. I’m still figuring out this entrepreneurial life day-by-day, and I hope to save you some headache and heartbreak along the way. So thanks for letting me into your life! I can’t wait to see where you and I both grow from here.

Show notes & links

Beekeepers Natural’s

Okay so summer 2019, imagine me, waking up at 5am, taking my kids to the gym while I work out with my trainer, going to the pool, playing blocks on the living room floor, and them WHAM totally out of energy by 4pm. Crawling into bed in my Christmas pjs. I was already doing all the energy-boosting things I could think of! Then my nutritionist told me about B.Powered from BeeKeeper’s Naturals. I just take a spoonful of the B.Powered superfood honey every morning, and I’m not kidding, I see a HUGE difference. I know not everyone can have a nutritionist, but anyone can get this superfood honey, and I’m making it even more accessible for you!

Go to, you’ll get 15% off your order from Beekeeper’s Naturals.

Free Training

There have been so many turning points in my business journey. The biggest so far has to be the creation of the Business Behind the Blooms. As I’m sharing my story on today’s episode, I can’t NOT tell you about this free training I have-- Never Let a Client Get Away. It’s like a little peek into what BBB is all about. This online video training takes you through my signature sales process that has allowed me to book 100% of the brides I want for the past four years.

To access this free training, go to

Sleeping with a Stranger

To sign up for updates about my book, Sleeping with a Stranger, which will be released April 2020, go here: