In order for something to grow, it first has to be pruned. If you’ve ever lived in the south, you’ve seen Crepe Myrtle trees surrounding houses and lining neighborhood streets in cities all over the place. There is nothing more jarring than seeing a Crepe Myrtle in springtime. They prune back those trees so much it’s hard to believe they’ll ever produce growth again. 

And yet every year, they come back bigger and more beautiful than ever before. And if they hadn’t been pruned, they’d be weak, scrawny, and more susceptible to damage. 

The same is true with us.

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Zimmerman Podcast Episode 117: Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief: The Bright Side of Shadow Work

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 117: Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief: The Bright Side of Shadow Work

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Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief: The Bright Side of Shadow Work

For the first four weeks of The Path Back to You, we focused on energy, digging into what it looks like to raise our vibrations. Now, I bet I can guess what’s happened since you’ve started that journey. 

Sh*t got hard. Really hard. 

We have the phrase “growing pains” for a reason. 

When you start growing, everything gets harder before it gets easier. You’ve decided to wake up to yourself, which means casting off all the old coping mechanisms and numbing techniques you’ve used to get through hard things in the past. 

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What Happens When Energy Gets Stuck

Today, we’re going to talk about energy chakras. Even that word, “chakras,” might set off alarm bells in your head. As a church going girl who was raised to believe this stuff isn’t real, I get it.

But like most things, learning about chakras isn’t nearly as helpful as experiencing their truth.

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Zimmerman Podcast Episode 115: How to Raise Your Vibration and Protect Your Energy

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 115: How to Raise Your Vibration and Protect Your Energy

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How to Raise Your Vibration and Protect Your Energy

Abundance is a vibration (we will go deeper on this in chapter 7 when we discuss manifesting).

Every time we let go of old energy, old friends, and old identity, an energy exchange takes place. You let go of the old and begin to further embody your higher self. This process is not instant, it requires energetic integration. It requires you to live through that energy as a form of embodiment.

It’s true - the universe speaks the language of energy. What you emanate is what you receive. So can you emanate more magic? More play, laughter and bliss?

You can.

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Zimmerman Podcast Episode 114: A High Vibe Life: The Energy that Got You Here Can’t Take You There

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 114: A High Vibe Life: The Energy that Got You Here Can’t Take You There

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A High Vibe Life: The Energy that Got You Here Can’t Take You There

The reason so many of us feel the opposite of content is because we aren’t living in alignment.

Alignment– which is unique and different for every soul because each soul is uniquely created by God, by the energy of unconditional love, and each soul has its own unique path and this will look different for everyone– is when the thoughts you think, match the feelings you feel, match the words you say, match the actions you portray.

When everything is on the same page, you don’t have that experience of feeling one way yet rationalizing yourself into believing the opposite.

Here’s what that looked like in my own life…

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