Posts tagged energy is stuck
Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief: The Bright Side of Shadow Work

For the first four weeks of The Path Back to You, we focused on energy, digging into what it looks like to raise our vibrations. Now, I bet I can guess what’s happened since you’ve started that journey. 

Sh*t got hard. Really hard. 

We have the phrase “growing pains” for a reason. 

When you start growing, everything gets harder before it gets easier. You’ve decided to wake up to yourself, which means casting off all the old coping mechanisms and numbing techniques you’ve used to get through hard things in the past. 

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What Happens When Energy Gets Stuck

Today, we’re going to talk about energy chakras. Even that word, “chakras,” might set off alarm bells in your head. As a church going girl who was raised to believe this stuff isn’t real, I get it.

But like most things, learning about chakras isn’t nearly as helpful as experiencing their truth.

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