The Full Moon: An Invitation to Clarity

The patterns and pulls of a Full Moon have been traced throughout history. In more recent years, you might see Full Moon wisdom shared by a huge range of sources, from midwives and doulas to functional medicine doctors and scientists. 

Some people might accept that the Full Moon affects our bodies, our habits, and our lives without a second thought, while others might wonder why. 

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Our purpose here on Earth is to raise our vibration, to come into consciousness, to operate from a place of pure unconditional love. Instead of chasing, we can rest, because wholeness is waiting inside us, not hiding somewhere “out there.”

But along life’s journey, we’ve likely picked up some bad habits that influence our energy.

Here are some things that can influence our vibrational energy:

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Embracing a Purposeful Emptying: My Regular New Moon Ritual

For every person reading this, there are just as many definitions of the word “ritual.” Some of you might think of a morning routine, like drinking a full glass of water, brushing  your teeth, and then making a smoothie. Some of you might be thinking of a seance-like scene out of Hocus Pocus, with candles and pentagrams and latin chants. 

When I talk about rituals, I’m referring to planned ways we intentionally pause and mark an event or achievement. 

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All of Us Are on a Path: Where Are You Headed?

At some point, in all lineages, a soul will be born that decides that the bullshit ends with them. This brave soul refuses to conform. It only knows how to speak truth. It stands up to the machine. It brings healing to the world and to all its ancestors who came before. And if you’re reading this, chances are good that it’s you.

There comes a time when the only choice we have left is to believe in our own magic.

And one day, you will tell the story of how you overcame. Maybe it won’t be in a year-long series like this one. Maybe it won’t be written in a book. Maybe it won’t be spoken on a stage. Maybe it will. Or maybe it will be through conversations held with those around you. Your story of overcoming will become someone else’s survival guide. Your future generations will look to you as the one who charted a new course.

You are about to embark on a journey of evolving to the best version of you. Do not apologize for it. This is your birthright.

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I’m truly grateful!

Thank you to everyone who read my new series, Uncovering Divine Femininity. Thank you to the new mentoring clients who have signed up. I can’t wait to visit with you! Thank you to each person who reached out to tell me how much this series touched you. Thank you to those who purchased one of the art pieces.

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Pulling Up My Chair with Leo Cummings III

I recently sat down with Leo Cummings III to chat on his podcast, Pull Up a Chair. Leo is a longtime friend of mine. Every time we sit down to catch up, we get super deep AND laugh hysterically. If you know me at all, you know this is my preferred communication style.

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