Growing up, I didn’t like school. Stiff, sequential, rigid classes with rules for arithmetic and grammar frustrated me. I was much more visual. I enjoyed photography, I liked learning how to design pages for a yearbook, I felt challenged by making copy fit into a newspaper layout.
If I’d been paying more attention, I’m sure I’d pick up on the fact that you learn math the way you learn most things in life– in these big blocks of concepts that you can then learn to build upon each other. In some ways, I wish I didn’t have to start this incredible year and this transformative series, The Path Back to You, with a topic I believe many will be tempted to ignore, but it’s the foundation. It’s that first row of building blocks.
And I’m sure at some point in school, while I was ignoring my math teacher and evidently snoozing my way through science, a teacher taught me about energy, but I don’t remember any of it. Or at least I didn’t learn it in a way that resonated with me.
I remember when I launched my business course, The Game Plan, a husband of one of my students reached out to me. He was a CPA, total numbers guy, and she was a floral designer. Free spirit, creative type. He emailed to say, “I’ve been trying for six years to explain accounting and numbers to my wife. I don’t know how you did it, but she just finished your course, and we are finally on the same page. It’s as if I was speaking Chinese and she was speaking Spanish and somehow, some way, you translated in a way that made sense to her. I can’t thank you enough. Our personal finances are finally on track. Her business finances are finally improving. Thank you for explaining this to her in a way she understands.”
That’s what I hope to achieve with this month’s topic of energy. If you’re anything like me a few years ago, then you probably see the word energy and want to not read any further. I totally get it! If you’re like me now, you might see this topic of energy and feel excited to read more because you just can’t get enough of the subject.
But I know that there are some of us who are curious and ready to learn what energy is and how it interacts with our reality, and this is for them.
And I know for sure that without a good foundation, nothing else matters.
My goal is to share my experience with learning about energy in a way that is simple, entertaining, and eye-opening. Nothing else I share this year will make sense without this conversation about energy. So here we go…
Sleeping with a Stranger is officially available everywhere books are sold, in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audiobook. Since the book’s launch, I’ve been amazed by how it has been received. From being named a best seller by USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, #1 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble Top Ten to incredibly personal and touching reviews from my amazing readers, it’s been such a wild journey!
And I do mean everything. I am made up of energy. You are made up of energy. The computer I am typing on is made up of energy. We’re all made up of atoms that contain protons and neutrons, with electrons firing around them. The very building blocks of who we are can be distilled into movement, or vibrations.
If we vibrated at the same frequency, my hands would fall straight through the keyboard. But we don’t. Because of the electromagnetic push and pull of all these tiny atoms, different things vibrate at different frequencies so I’m able to type and share this content with you.
When you are operating at a lower vibration you are living your life and operating from a place of fear. When you are operating at a higher vibration, you are living your life and operating your life from a place of love.
That’s why, especially more recently (or maybe in the ‘70’s,) you’d hear phrases like “good vibes only!” or “chill vibes” or “I’m just vibin’.”
Higher vibrations are the goal. When I think about energy in the context of my faith tradition, I think about how the goal of life is presence with God– to become more like God– and God is the absolute highest vibration.
Imagine the brightest, clearest, whitest light. Imagine the most love you’ve ever felt or perhaps ever imagined. There is no judgment. There is no shame. No guilt. No fear. There is only compassion. There is only understanding. There is only unconditional love. We know this kind of love, deep, deep, deep down in our soul. We know it because we come from it. We were made from it.
That means when we hear, “we were made in God’s image,” we were made from and with unconditional love. This is what our soul knows. This is what we felt when our soul’s earthly home, our body, was being formed, by the creator, in our mother’s womb.
We are then birthed into the world. We are then exposed to many different kinds of energies. And we spend a good portion of our life trying to find our “happiness” or our “purpose,” a return to that full and complete love, that highest vibration, we knew when we were formed. That we were made for.
But we are conditioned by the world and by society that our happiness comes from achievements, whether it be good grades, making first chair in band, being named head cheerleader or homecoming queen. We also are taught to find it through external things like a nice car, a big home, a great vacation, a big diamond ring.
The truth is none of that works because that feeling we are chasing, we are searching for, is inside of us. Our own soul, that was created from the source of God, remembers the imprint of pure love. Our soul that was created from the highest level of energy. It was created from nothing but unconditional love.
The happiness or the purpose we are searching for is inside of us.
It’s a long, winding road to get back home to ourselves. The Sioux Indians are known to say that the longest journey is from your head to your heart. It’s difficult to unlearn everything we’ve been taught. To look at and break down each and every limiting belief society has taught us, unlearning all of it and returning home to our soul. To God. To love.
Only when we are able to fully love ourselves are we capable of truly loving others. Jesus was God manifested in human form. Jesus is a beautiful example of unconditional love. Jesus was not judgemental. Jesus did not operate from fear or shame or guilt. Jesus operated from a place of pure unconditional love.
Our purpose here on Earth is to raise our vibration, to come into consciousness, to operate from a place of pure unconditional love. Instead of chasing, we can rest, because wholeness is waiting inside us, not hiding somewhere “out there.”
FREE DOWNLOAD: Move through the year with intention and clarity
But along life’s journey, we’ve likely picked up some bad habits that influence our energy.
Here are some things that can influence our vibrational energy:
The environments we grow up in have a very big impact on our vibration. As children, we don’t have a lot of choice in our environmental energy.
As adults, however, we do.
Imagine energy as colors. If you saw people’s energies as clearly as (those of us who aren’t colorblind can see) colors, you would be very discerning in where you spend your time.
Let’s say low vibrational people are walking through the world with a red ring of energy around them. And let’s say high vibrational people have a bright yellow ring of energy around them. When you walk into a party, an event, meet a new person, if you were to see mostly red, you would turn around and leave. If you saw mostly yellow, you would feel comfortable to stay.
Why spend time around low vibrational people? You wouldn’t. But as children, we don’t always have the autonomy to choose that, or we’re told (especially as women) to ignore our intuition to make other people more comfortable.
It can be especially tricky in large groups because so many energies are present. That’s why some people can become drained around large groups– they’re more sensitive to the energies present. Energy is always looking to expand.
So, when you’ve decided to take an entirely new path, the Universe rewarded it with momentum. Your energy expanded. This is why so many people find manifestation useful. You begin seeing beyond the realm, and your reality expands. Your walls drop.
Which is why you’re not only grateful, but you now experience fulfillment in new ways. And you crave more of it. Why?
Energy is always looking to expand. It is your nature.
When you decide to see higher vibrations, you may be misunderstood. But you’re not here to be understood. You’re here to be in your purpose and in your truth. You are here to discern energies. You’re here to be magnetic. To attract everything you desire. You are here to be in a state of surrender and flow. Anything that disrupts that is holding you back.
You know that saying that we are the five people we spend the most time with? Well…that’s all energy.
Who you have around you tells you exactly where you’re at in your relationships. Both who you attract and who you allow in your field. Look at who you’re attracting and let that reveal the truth about your energy.
When you feel like you're losing your mind, I’m here to help you restore your soul.
In “The Path Back to You” I share with you my own personal story of struggle, trauma, etc. as a sacred offering. My hope is that through my story, you can better see yourself. I share with you my darkest moments and the steps I took to find my light– the light I had dimmed for most of my life.
Throughout all the heartache I’ve endured, I’ve finally found peace. And I want to share my roadmap with you.
Once you give someone access to you, you need to make it crystal clear what you require. Not expect. Require. These are the guidelines to maintain access to me, to my energy. These are not expectations. These are requirements.
You determine how people treat you. Make them treat you accordingly.
When you raise your vibration, you are a whole vibe.
Access to you is a privilege.
If people knew how much inner work it took to cultivate the love and peace you’ve embodied within yourself, they would know access to you in any fashion is a privilege.
Those who are genuinely and authentically and actively connected to God, draw energy from that source. Those who are not have to draw energy from other people. Those are what we call energy vampires.
Have you ever noticed that the further you get away from where large numbers of people live, the more beautiful the scenery? It’s almost like people ruin things. And the lower vibrational ones will. That’s why connecting with nature is so important. It lets you recalibrate your energy without anyone else’s influence.
If your own energy is aligned, but you’re still going after people and goals based on old energy, don’t be surprised when doors close. They’re not missed opportunities. They’re pivots. Reminders for you to go deep. Remember your desires. Dream bigger. Get better.
You’ve been asking for a better life for some time now so only things that are in resonance with that renewed frequency will be able to match with you. This is a blessing. Your self-worth is elevating. Know what you deserve. We’re done playing with the same old things.
You didn’t come this far just to experience your old life all over again.
When they can’t touch who you’ve become, they try to dig up who you used to be. Keep growing.
The hardest part about raising your vibration is that you lose people. Most people are operating at a low vibration. It takes incredible courage and bravery to choose to align. To choose to raise your vibration. This is free will.
Everything is energy. Everyone is connected. So when you do the work to heal yourself, you really heal those around you. Your energy is a gift. A gift to the world, and a gift to yourself.
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