Posts tagged following the stars
Following the Stars Part Five: A Guide for Your Journey

Look, there’s nothing I love more than helping people become more of who they were made to be. I’ve shared this “Following the Stars” series this week because the tool that’s helped me more than any other on my own journey towards truthful knowing is astrology.

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Following the Stars Part Four: There is a Season for Everything

Before this year, I’d experienced almost every type of season someone could experience in life. Seasons of loss, of joy, of growth, of focus, of business success, of parenting woes. All of them.

But in January of 2022, for the first time in my life, I fell into a season of very deep depression. There have been people around me who I know have suffered or still suffer from depression, but I’d never truly understood it.

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Following the Stars Part Three: Staying in Comfort or Choosing Growth

I wanted to devote today’s blog to the one part of my natal chart that changed every aspect of my life. When Brian and I explored this topic together, it’s what convinced us that we needed to separate. It’s also given both of us the map we needed to become who we were made to be.

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Following the Stars Part Two: Uniquely Made

If you read yesterday’s blog, you know that I walked into my first meeting with my astrologer with some preconceived notions about astrology that were rooted in messages I’d been told growing up in a small town in the south. But little by little, pieces of what I believed as a person of faith and what I’d been learning about astrology started to feel aligned instead of opposed.

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Following the Stars Part One: Truth in an Unexpected Place

At some point in our lives, we all experience that feeling of breaking away from what we were raised on, instead deciding who we want to be and what we want to believe all for ourselves. These conversations and stories can feel confusing and overwhelming for many. For that reason, sometimes we keep them secret.

Well, keeping things secret isn’t really for me. I share so others know it’s okay to share too. This week, I’m going to be sharing with you the beginnings of a spiritual awakening that occurred side by side with all the changes of the past few years. This is meant to be of service to those who my story can help.

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