Body, Mind, Spirit: Jessica on Take the Leap Podcast


Recently, I got to sit down with Tiffany Toombs of the Take the Leap Podcast.

One of my favorite questions Tiffany asked was, “What was the biggest win [I’ve] experienced in [my] journey.”

I got to share with her about the importance of taking care of myself spiritually, mentally, and physically. So often we can lean too heavily on just one of these arenas.

If we’re feeling down, we might know we need to go for a jog, but it doesn’t occur to us that we also might need to go to therapy.

We might see the benefit of going to bed early so our bodies get rest, but ignore the importance of waking up early to create some quiet, meditative time alone.

We are bodies, spirits, and minds, and our self-care needs to reflect that!

If you’ve been feeling the struggle too, give this episode a listen! It was such a great chat with Tiffany.