How to Stop Making Excuses and Start Making a Business and Life You Love


I’ve been feeling a tug at my heart for a while now. Something inside me is saying it’s time for a change, it’s time to pivot, to try something new.

I’ve had a very specific dream for the past 18 years. That dream has evolved over time, but it’s still there. On Mother’s Day, Brian gave me the best gift in the world: rest. He took the kids for the day and I caught up on some much needed rest. Those days of being all by myself all day long are so incredibly rare, but it’s those days when I get my best ideas.

I’m writing this post for one reason, because I want to remember this moment. I want to remember this day as the day I finally stopped allowing this dream to be just a dream.

Yesterday, I was talking to one of my mentoring clients and she asked me, "Why can't I achieve my dreams as easily as you can?" I was quick to correct her that nothing about my journey has been easy, no matter how much it may appear that way. Then I said this to her, "The answer is simple. You have to stop making excuses and you have to stop caring so much about what others think."

I wholeheartedly believe I can do anything I want to do. Not because I’m some amazing super human (because I can assure you I am not!), but because I don’t make excuses, I don’t let the fear of what others may think stop me from doing what I want, and I work really, really hard.

We all can live the life we want to live. You just have to stay laser focused on what you want to achieve. You have to stop making excuses. You have to put blinders on and stop looking around to see what everyone else is doing and more importantly, if they are watching you or not. None of that matters. What does matter is at the end of this life, you can look back and say, "I lived the best life possible with this one life I was given."

What does that life look like for you? Are you living it?

The summer of 2019 is going to be a special one for the Zimmerman family. Stay tuned.

Image: Heather Payne Photography