This is going to be a long answer. It will most likely be a very unpopular answer and many of you will completely disagree with me, but here goes:
I never liked school. I wasn’t built to learn in a classroom. It took me seven years to graduate college because I was so bored with school that I skipped a lot of my classes. I finally graduated with a communication degree because after five years I went to the school counselor and said, “What major will get me out of here the fastest?” And communication was the answer. From the day I graduated, I have never had a traditional or corporate job. I always wanted to learn how people run their own businesses. I wanted to get as much experience as I could so I could one day run my own business. I used to have my diploma hanging in my office, but I took it down a few years ago because every time I looked at it I thought to myself, “If I could have started teaching myself through experience at the age of 18 instead of 25, I would be so much further along in my business.” For my own personal experience, college slowed me down.
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