Santa Barbara Dining Guide

Before we had children, one of my favorite evening activities was to sit with Brian and watch The Best Thing I Ever Ate on the Food Network. We loved listening to chefs talk about some of their favorite meals, and we dreamed of visiting some of those restaurants together. In 2015, we took our ten year anniversary trip and ate our way through Santa Barbara. When I revisited Santa Barbara this past winter, I added a few more hits to my SB dining guide!

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Zimmerman Events featured on Magnolia Rouge

This beautiful Southern spring wedding was featured on Magnolia Rouge with all of the inspiration and details involved! One of the most unique things about this wedding was the incorporation of their sweet puppies. Read more about this feature and see more pictures here!

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How I Get the Content of My Newsletters

If you are a wedding planner or a floral designer and you aren't yet on my newsletter list, here's what I want you to know: I don't just send stuff out for the heck of it. I don't look at it as a "list". I know behind every email address is a real person. I know you are working your tail off trying to grow your business while simultaneously struggling to have any kind of personal life. I know behind that email address is a wife at home in her bed with her lap top ignoring her spouse because she needs to get "just a little more work done".

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What I Wish I Knew When I Was 18

This is going to be a long answer. It will most likely be a very unpopular answer and many of you will completely disagree with me, but here goes:

I never liked school. I wasn’t built to learn in a classroom. It took me seven years to graduate college because I was so bored with school that I skipped a lot of my classes. I finally graduated with a communication degree because after five years I went to the school counselor and said, “What major will get me out of here the fastest?” And communication was the answer.  From the day I graduated, I have never had a traditional or corporate job. I always wanted to learn how people run their own businesses. I wanted to get as much experience as I could so I could one day run my own business. I used to have my diploma hanging in my office, but I took it down a few years ago because every time I looked at it I thought to myself, “If I could have started teaching myself through experience at the age of 18 instead of 25, I would be so much further along in my business.” For my own personal experience, college slowed me down. 

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My Favorite Birthday Tradition

It doesn’t really feel like my birthday until I’m riding up a mountain in an open air sleigh to Beano’s Cabin.

The past three years, we’ve spent my birthday in Beaver Creek, Colorado. For my birthday meal, we take a sleigh to this magical lodge called Beano’s cabin. After a chilly ride up the mountain, we leave our shoes at the door and slide into cozy slippers provided by the lodge.

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Los Angeles Dining Guide

I think we can all agree that one of the best parts of traveling is the food! I will literally plan my whole day around my meals. When I found out I’d be traveling to LA early this year, I knew I had to be strategic about the food I’d eat while I was out there. SO much good food, so little time! Here’s what I ate while in LA.

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Horse Bridal Portraits

In the past few years, I’ve loved seeing couples include their dogs in wedding celebrations. But, if there’s anything better than a dog wearing a floral collar, it’s a horse wearing a floral collar!

Sometimes, bride’s best friend is a different four-legged beast! We love how this bride honored her beautiful steed by including her horse in her bridal portraits.

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The Importance of Being Alone

Tired, overstimulated, worn-down, anti-social. This is how I feel when I don’t have alone time.

A few months ago, I spoke at Florabundance Design Days. I LOVE getting to speak to fellow floral designers and business owners. At Florabundance, I got to see industry friends, meet Bloomers, and even participate in demonstrations from some of my favorite designers. What’s better than that?

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Instagram Live

If you missed March’s Instagram LIVE, here it is!

I’m sharing about my wedding prep specifics. In the wedding industry, we work so hard to book clients, and then the week of their wedding rolls around and we're miserable, burnt out, and tired. We can't even enjoy our work. We've set ourselves up for failure. I promise, it doesn't have to be this way. Seriously. 

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Jessica Unfiltered: My Most Commonly Asked Questions

I LOVE getting feedback from all of you on what you’re wanting to learn. The other day, I popped a question sticker in my instagram stories and was so thankful for all the responses I got. There were so many, that I couldn’t get to them all! There were also some questions that I wanted to give a little more time to than just a quick story response.

Keep reading to find out some of my most asked questions and my responses!

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