Change of plans!

As most of you know by now, November is my annual planning month. I usually dedicate the entire month to planning ahead. However, I received a call I never expected to receive from someone I deeply admire in this industry, Holly Chapple. She invited my husband and me to her farm (Hope Flower Farm) and we immediately made babysitting arrangements for the kids and jumped on the next plane to Virginia. If you follow Holly on Instagram, then you totally know what to expect when meeting her ...

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North Arkansas Spring Wedding

We love a wedding full of natural beauty inspired by earthy colors pulled from a variety of blooms and textures.  Our bride, Alexandria, and her mother came to us looking to wow their guests while still making a beautiful event.  We filled Alexandria's wedding full of greenery, mauve floral, touches of golden roses, potted plated lining the ceremony aisles, and spirea, a greenery textured with small white flowers topping the ceremony arch. We also provided all of her paper goods, which were a light ...

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How We Started Flipping Houses

Before I share with you this story, I want to thank my husband, Brian, for giving me his blessing to share it with you. He is the best human being I've ever met and allowing me to share part of his story in hopes that it might help someone else just adds to the very long list of why I love him. My husband Brian worked as a financial advisor for years. It was a stressful job to say the least. After our twin boys were born, Brian began to get very sick. We were in and out of the hospital with him four different times ...

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Greenery Filled Fall Wedding

We love a bride who loves greenery!  Of course we love all of our brides, and all of the beautiful flowers they envision for their weddings; but our bride Jaime wanted all of the greenery for her wedding, and it was absolutely stunning!  Her birchwood arch anchored the ceremony, and looked like it came out of the surrounding trees with it's natural beauty.  The reception was a gorgeous sea of pale blue linens, topped with eucalyptus arrangements, surrounding the central bridal cake table, which was adorned with ...

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Bright and Colorful Southern Wedding | Part 2

This is the continuation of Part 1 of this gorgeous and colorful shoot.  In this blog, you'll see the groom's charming style, and some gorgeous details!  I mean, don't you want to dive right into that cake?!  I loved being able to bring this photo shoot even more to life with such fun florals and a vibrant color palette that I normally do not get to work with.

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The most important thing I do for my kids every day

Brian and I were married eight years before we had kids. During those years I would go through Ina Garten’s cookbooks, page by page, and cook a new recipe each night for dinner. I love to cook. There is something about taking ingredients and making them into a delicious meal that just makes me happy. Brian and I always ate our dinner at the table together. This is where we would really talk about our day or dream about our next vacation. Fast forward to today and life's a little more full! Driving three ...

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Making the Most of 18 Summers

This past weekend, we went bowling with some friends. One of them said to me, “you know my daughter’s four and we only have 14 summers left with her and it really hit me the other day that we need to make time to create some memories. We need to plan a little vacation. I mean, 14, that’s not many.” I couldn’t agree more! Brian says out loud almost every week “the days are long, but the years are short” mainly to remind us that even though we are exhausted and ready to put the kids to bed and ...

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Bright and Colorful Southern Wedding | Part 1

Photographer, Kati Mallory asked us to complete her vision for a bright and summery southern elopement with a standout table arrangement and florals for the bridal party.  It was the perfect day with a light breeze swaying the greenery and florals.  How precious are those placemats, too?  We'll have more of these sweet table details and the groom's charming attire for you next week!  Stay tuned!

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How I make one on one time for each of my kids

I remember so much about my first year with Stella. I remember the way she looked at me when I fed her, making faces at her while I changed her diaper, laying on the floor beside her cheering her on as she learned to crawl, sitting with her for hours as she played with her favorite toy, and I’ll never forget her first effort in trying to talk when she said, “agoo”. I loved oohing and ahhing over her. I loved to just sit and study her facial expressions. I will forever treasure that time. She was 15 months old when I ...

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Sean + Sydnie Wedding | Part 2

After showing you Sean and Sydnie's ceremony in the Part One blog, it is only appropriate to show you the rest of their stunning wedding.  Immediately after the ceremony, guests were taken to a hip and sociable cocktail hour, surrounded by airstream food trucks covered in greenery and lit with strung cafe lights.  After the sun set, guests were ready to get the reception inside the airport hangar. The towering airport doors slowly opened revealing the 900 square foot dance floor beneath an equally as grand ...

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My #1 Secret to Taking Last Minute Getaways with My Family of Five

After several newsletters about important topics like maximizing your workday, getting a grip on email stress, and making more time for your family, I thought it was time to write about something a little more fun, TRAVEL! A little background about me and travel - it is my favorite thing in the world! It’s why I work. I’m constantly planning the next adventure and no day is more exciting than when my new issue of Travel and Leisure arrives in my mailbox. For me, travel has been far greater an education than ...

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Sean + Sydnie Wedding | Part One

This has to be one of my favorite weddings that I have designed.  Sean and Sydnie, and each of their families are some of the kindest, sweetest people that I have met, and it was truly an honor being involved in such a special celebration.  We did everything from planning and coordinating, to designing and creating all floral, the layouts, and sourcing all rentals.  It was one of the most gorgeous days, and I will never forget witnessing such a sentimental ceremony.  We'll bring the rest of the wedding to you ...

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