Posts tagged reparenting your inner child
Reparenting Your Inner Child: Finding Peace About Who You Are: Healing Your Mother Wound

Today we’re going to talk about mother wounds.

A mother’s presence is a powerful thing. It has the strength to uplift and inspire, and the potential to damage and disparage. Any kind of literal or emotional neglect can sow seeds in childhood that take all through adulthood to identify and root out. Like a weed left to grow for decades, it can grow as large as a tree. 

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Reparenting Your Inner Child: Break Harmful Cycles by Honoring Your Inner Child

How can we learn to hear, see, and heal the inner child in ourselves? The first step is to recognize what unmet needs look like when they’re ignored or unanswered for years, if not decades. 

Because sometimes our most familiar patterns aren’t choices we’re making but habits we’re falling back into, and we must learn to differentiate between our intuition guiding us and our traumas– both big and small– misleading us. 

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Compassion for Yourself and Those Who Raised You: Reparenting Your Inner Child

Reparenting your inner child is one of the most powerful tools for healing we have in our toolbox. What do I mean by “reparenting?” What do I mean by “inner child?” Some of you may be familiar with these ideas, and some of you maybe not so much.

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