Three Tips to Transform Your Business with Kathryn Moorehouse


On today’s episode of the Zimmmerman Podcast, I interview my personal Pinterest manager, Kathryn Moorhouse. She’s a Pinterest marketing educator and online marketing mentor who teaches small business owners how to simplify their online marketing strategies and use Pinterest effectively so they can create a profitable business that gives them the time freedom they've been searching for.

Kathryn and I talk about common Pinterest hang-ups, why Pinterest actually works, and some concrete steps you can take today to start selling products and booking gigs through FREE Pinterest marketing. Pinterest works. It’s the number one traffic driver to my website. I’m so excited to share my personal Pinterest manager with you!

What's so special about Pinterest?

When Kathryn first started in the social media marketing game, she was a general social media manager. She noticed that, by far, Pinterest had the biggest rate of conversion - turning viewers into paying customers. Not only was Pinterest generating traffic to a website, but it was doing so without a ton of work. Pinterest is not a social media platform; it’s a visual search engine which allows your ideal client to find you, and the pins can be relevant for years instead of disappearing into a timeline! For those in the wedding industry, this is where your clients are and you should be too!

You know I always say “you need to know your numbers.” Well, the data and information that backs up the return on investment for the time and effort put into Pinterest makes it a no brainer!

Pinterest is perfect for wedding professionals

Time is our biggest commodity. I understand most people might feel overwhelmed by Pinterest, having to write blog posts and update your website in order to have content to pin. I’ve discovered that with Pinterest, however, you can “set it and forget it.” All of the content that is already on my website and now on Pinterest is continually working for me, sending traffic to my website and getting me business while I’m doing other things. For those of us in the wedding industry, who already have beautiful content, this is the place to leverage all of those images to get your ideal client.

The strategy for reaching ideal clients

If there is something in my business that needs attention, I’m going to take action! I knew, even if I had an aversion to Pinterest, that it was where my ideal clients were and where I needed to be too.

I knew I needed to outsource my Pinterest, so I found Kathryn through a Google search and knew she was just who I needed on my team in this area. From the first conversation, she earned my trust by being upfront and honest about the 6 month timeframe it would take to see a return on my investment. She remembers being excited about the strategy we came up with and my focus on targeting ideal clients.

Once I started getting consistent clients through Pinterest and it totally changed my marketing game, I knew I wanted to help other entrepreneurs gain these positive effects too. As a result, Kathryn and I built an uncomplicated program, The Power of Pinning, to help business owners implement a Pinterest plan at a fraction of what I pay Kathryn!!

In this episode, Kathryn shared three simple tips you can do for your business today:

  1. Set up a business account on Pinterest - they have great marketing tools to take advantage of!

  2. Fill in all of the settings on your Pinterest business profile - including your location, as this helps local clients find you specifically!

  3. Create a free Canva account - a website which allows you to make social media graphics easily!

And these tips are just the beginning!

Thank you so much, Kathryn, for sharing your Pinterest knowledge with us! I hope you found practical tips from Kathryn that you can’t wait to implement today. If you loved Kathryn’s teaching… and let’s be honest, her accent… you’ll love this episode!

And don’t forget, you don’t have to wait a whole week to get your Zimmerman Podcast fix. We have the newest episode of our Sleeping with a Stranger miniseries, Under the Cover, dropping in two days, so make sure you give it a listen. This time, I’m sharing how I wrote the entire memoir in six days.

Until then, keep building the business and the life you love!

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