Questions with Rachel: Workshops, Dissatisfied Brides, and How to Bust out of a Funk


What do women’s cycles, floral workshops, and Frozen 2 have in common? They’re all topics of questions from this episode of the Zimmerman Podcast. We discussed the logistics and finances behind workshops, what happens when you have an unhappy bride who leaves a bad review, and ways to get stuff done on days you don’t feel motivated. Let’s get started!

Workshops and collaborations

We had a question submitted about floral workshops, specifically regarding making a profit, how to collaborate with other vendors and tips and tricks. The first thing you need to ask yourself when planning a workshop is this: what is the purpose? Knowing the purpose behind the workshop can help you plan and determine its success. Do you want to make money, gain exposure, or develop relationships with other vendors? Asking these questions will help you prioritize elements of the workshop. To hear my full answer, listen to the podcast audio!

Dissatisfied brides

Next, we answered what you can do to respond to brides who manufacture complaints after a wedding.It all boils down to the contract.. If you held up your end of the deal, as outlined in the contract, then try not to get bogged down with negative reviews, especially if you know you did everything you agreed to do and did it to the best of your ability!To learn how I’ve handled situations like this in the past, and how I’ve crafted my meeting process and my contract to avoid situations like these, go to the podcast audio and give this question a listen!

Commitment and regrouping when you’re unmotivated

Our final question was about getting work done when lacking motivation. We all have days, weeks, even months when we don’t feel motivated to work. The reasons for this slump could be physiological, emotional, mental, or any combination of those. I’ve learned so much this year by being in-tune with my adrenals, tracking my cycle (yupp!), and resting my body instead of pushing forward all the time. You need to listen to what your body is telling you! Sometimes, you might just need to take a day to rest. At the same time,  you are an employee of your business. Ask yourself, “Would I accept my work ethic from another employee?”. If the answer is no, then you need to evaluate what changes need to be made. I’ve tuned into my own patterns of being in a funk, and I’m sharing the process I go through to identify what could be causing it and how to break out of that funk on the podcast, so if that’s something you’re struggling with, this episode is a must listen!

Thanks to Jen, Page and Blush and Ivy for their thoughtful questions! If you have a question you want featured on Questions with Rachel, go to to ask us anything!

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