It's Book Writing Week!


Some days are just hard. The next few days are going to be particularly hard because I’m finishing writing my book.

While the story couldn’t be more familiar— it’s my story— the process is totally new. I’m no expert at writing a book, but I write every day. So I’m going to attack this project like I do every writing project:

one word at a time.

The completed first draft is due to my book editor in seven short days. If I’m quiet around here for the next week, it’s because I’m working hard on telling a very tough, emotional, raw story.

My hope is by sharing my story, I can create connection, make people feel seen and understood, and close the door on this chapter of my life.

This is going to be a very emotional but necessary process, so keep me in your thoughts this week, if you could!

Have an encouraging word for me? Drop it in the comments!

Want to stay up to date on all the book release details? Click the button below!