For those who need it
This won’t resonate with everyone, but for those who need it…
I can count on two hands the number of women and men who have reached out to me in the past four days because they are struggling. While each of their stories are different, they do have a common theme. I am humbled and honored to be a safe place for them to share vulnerably. Yet I know for each person who shows up at my door and says, “No one knows, but I can’t keep living the way I’ve been living” there are many more who continue to struggle in silence.
For those who resonate with this, listen to me when I tell you it is not your fault. But when your body is at dis-ease because of a life filled with depression, anxiety, chronic illness, discontent, etc, that’s your soul’s way of telling you you’re going the wrong way. It’s trying to course correct you. Your soul is screaming at you, begging you to come home to yourself.
And I’ll tell you what I’ve told everyone else this week.
My tell-all memoir available now
You are not here to just get by until you die. You are not here to live your life indoors under artificial light in jobs you hate, to spend time alone or with those you wish you could escape from, to live a life of addiction so you can numb your waking hours because you can’t stand what you see. You are not here to be a grown ass adult with your own children and terrified to explore the road less traveled because you’re scared of what your parents might think. You are not here to live a life on screens and deplete your relationship skills because you’re scared of feeling too much. You are not here to be poisoned by drugs and food and media.
That’s not a life. That’s not even a half life. That’s an anti-life.
Right now, your soul is banging pots and pans trying to get you to align with your truest self.
Alignment is when the thoughts you think match the words you say match the actions you portray. No masks. No acting. No faking.
Lies will keep you chained to a self-imposed prison and your soul will cry out through your body until the day you die OR you can choose to live a life in alignment, a TRUE life, a free life - the one you were brought here to experience.