Apathy is not in style

There’s no time left for playing it cool. Those days when you’d act like you didn’t want it? When you’d fake indifference so that if it didn’t work out, you could pretend it never mattered in the first place? Those days are gone.

We don’t need a world filled with people who are trying to play it cool. Apathy is not in style. Detachment is not the vibe. So please - those things that make you feel excited to be alive? The unexplored possibilities? The dreams you can’t stop thinking about? The visions you can’t get out of your mind? Let them breathe. Let them grow. Don’t tone down your passion. Don’t hold in your excitement. Don’t downplay what matters. Don’t act like you don’t want it. Don’t minimize this magic pulsating inside you. Wholeheartedly embrace the things that call to you. Let the fire in your soul burn brightly instead of trying to stifle its flames. There is no time left for playing it cool. Go all in on the things that bring you to life.

- Zanna Keithley

Check out my video below on this topic


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