Zimmerman Podcast Episode 118: EMBRACING DARKNESS AND UNPACKING GRIEF: A Purposeful Surrender
Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 118:
In order for something to grow, it first has to be pruned. If you’ve ever lived in the south, you’ve seen Crepe Myrtle trees surrounding houses and lining neighborhood streets in cities all over the place. There is nothing more jarring than seeing a Crepe Myrtle in springtime. They prune back those trees so much it’s hard to believe they’ll ever produce growth again.
And yet every year, they come back bigger and more beautiful than ever before. And if they hadn’t been pruned, they’d be weak, scrawny, and more susceptible to damage.
The same is true with us. Good growth requires us to leave parts of ourselves behind. And that leaving can even feel like a death. Because it is!
Growth is painful. It requires conscious removal of the parts of ourselves that we still love but no longer want or need. It’s important to know that even though we may need to leave these parts of ourselves behind, we can still mourn their loss.
You may mourn your former life while anticipating a new, better one. You may feel the loss of a person who was once so important to you that you couldn’t imagine your life without them. You may miss who you once were while still being grateful for all the ways you’ve changed.
This is why Embracing the Darkness is so important. Things can be good and hard at the same time, and when we pretend they aren’t, we learn to believe our own self-deception.
The sooner, and the more often, we can trust ourselves about when it’s time to move on, knowing it may be painful but still good, the easier it will be to step into the life meant for us.
Find out what I mean by this in today's podcast.
The sooner, and the more often, we can trust ourselves about when it’s time to move on, knowing it may be painful but still good, the easier it will be to step into the life meant for us
Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.
Fear and Ghosting
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Not starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.
For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You.
My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself. For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You. And just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off. https://jessicazimmerman.com/the-path-back-to-you-course
When we discussed fear being the absolute lowest frequency of energy: https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/everything-is-energy
Uncovering Divine Femininity: https://jessicazimmerman.com/uncovering-divine-femininity
My Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw
My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: https://jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger
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